What is Snowden? Probably Controlled Opposition

By: Christopher Maffei

This is a fictional overview of these events and is simply meant for entertainment and alternate thinking.

As the leaves are falling here in Moscow, I couldn’t help but think about Ed Snowden. Many things about this person do not make sense. To start with, he has not really released any information that has any level of classification. The information released was well known and has been made public for years. Much like the Pentagon papers.

What is also clear, NATO intelligence could destroy Snowden’s reputation in a single news cycle. The CIA and MI6 have algorithms that can easily generate media to sway public consciousness. This is standard for psychological operations. More than anything else, I was thinking, how in the fuck is one man “Edward” going to fight against 1.3 trillion in government assets and in human resources? The simple answer is – he can’t. Most telling, his Twitter account is still up and running with 4.3 million followers. The DOJ can easily close it down with an injunction- and yet, it still remains.

Some people have made the claim that Snowden being in Russia lends to the legitimacy that he is a civil rights activist for privacy. You have to clearly understand, Russia does not care if this man is actively controlling opposition or just a simple double agent. The SVR will use him either way. Snowden can be everything from a backchannel to the CIA or he can be used for public relations at a later date– the combinations are endless for all the agencies involved.

What is clear, however, is that the Parallel Government is allowing Snowden to exist in relative comfort as a living martyr to privacy advocates all over the world. At any moment they could destroy his reputation. Even with the vast resources, within the intelligence communities, the degenerate oligarchy has not really touched this guy.

Moreover, Snowden is most likely a well-trained double agent that is well-polished and well-spoken. He is simply communicating the truth about how the NSA has the power to collect all IP and telephony traffic globally. Then, mine it according to relevance.

Aside from communicating the obvious, this man does not offer any solutions to US government data collection. In reality, there are no solutions. The NSA will continue to collect data on all Americans, regardless. He is indirectly communicating to all of us that you are being watched and that you as a citizen are powerless to stop it.

In many ways, Snowden is just a symbol for the romantics. He is a symbol that one man can effect change in a vast impersonal bureaucracy. When in fact, he is simply and indirectly communicating what the CIA wants the public to know. The US government wants its citizens to feel like they are being watched and to feel fear of the unknown. And this strategy is quite effective.

Let’s assume that Snowden is a purely organic manifestation. that being the case he has simply confirmed that US government agencies are breaking the law. So where are the investigations? There are none. Rather, he was indicted for exposing the fact that federal government employees are breaking the law – with complete impunity.

Now the logic is, Russia needs to protect Snowden from his own government that broke the law. A government that espouses freedom, liberty, and justice. Where are the American courts to protect Snowden? Where is the Senate?

They are nowhere to be found, and now we are moving into a realm where the inverted totalitarian structures are simply breaking the law with complete impunity. Then, when the crimes are exposed; instead of opening an investigation within the bureaucracy that broke the law– Washington simply blames the individual that exposed the government crime.

Adding to this upside-down reality and Washington’s stupidity. Russia is now perceived as protecting Snowden and defending the US Constitution. I think Americans do not even have the language to describe what is being done to them any longer. If Snowden is a figure that is either real or imagined. He is becoming an anti-hero to the majority of Americans and he is moving into the realm of a mythical figure.

Mass shootings come from a deeply troubled society that Durkheim calls Anomie. The American Anomie can be seen in the breakdown in social bonds and the propensity for self-destruction. Whereas, in Japan or France the self-destruction would most likely manifest itself in suicide. Even so, the suicide rates in these countries are quite low. Conversely, in America, the violence is directed onto others and is seen as a cleansing agent. The intelligent agency’s retribution against Snowden is a part of American culture. That is why Snowden can never go back to the United States and expect that he will be treated fairly. Americans’ cruelty to each other is legendary. From the treatment of the slaves to the annihilation of the Native Americans. In the United States, there has been no reconciliation or admission to this genocide of the past. Whereas in Germany, you will see monuments to reconciliation. That’s how society can heal its social bonds. Whereas the American South is exactly the opposite. There, you will see monuments to hate and division

Given the fact that hate and revenge are the primary motivators, death comes in many ways in America. Death by time is the American Courts’ favorite. It gives the false impression of mercy and at the same time exacts retribution by condemning the offender to a life sentence. A hell that Americans can create for themselves. Feeding the need for American retribution and revenge. Whether or not Snowden is controlling opposition or is just purely organic in nature. Washington will have no problem sacrificing him on the altar of (freedom).

If Snowden comes back to the United States– death will be there waiting for him.