By Christopher Maffei: What if the Ukrainian Army Pivots West?

Lets put our cards right out onto the table.

With four more Leopard 2s smashed, there is not an Army in the world that can crack the Russian defenses.

Not one.

Let’s explore another idea and imagine another scenario in the near future. Given the intensity of the fighting in the center of the line. The Ukrainian Army could simply have a change of heart and pivot 180 degrees to the West and smash through the thinly held lines of the Polish Eastern Front — Ukrainian armor would be to Warsaw in a fortnight.

The Ukrainian Army would sweep the Poles aside with ease and the American Lily Pad’s would be overrun. The Americans would be evacuated, some Americans would be left behind and the Poles would be left wandering the battlefield wondering who to surrender too.

Sound far fetched?

On October 13, 1943, the government of Italy declared war on its former Axis partner — Germany. In short order, Hungry soon followed and so did Romania.

And so…

These transfer of allegiances are common throughout history. And given the cruelty of the current ‘chief grave digger’ we may soon see him deposed. And so being, may soon be watching what’s left of the Ukrainian Army turn West. Germany and Poland are what we call an ‘in the barracks army’. Meaning, Germany and Poland are not ready to fight, communicate, and maneuver using combined arms tactics.

Would NATO declare (Article 5) on Ukraine? No.

NATO would be dissolved and Europe would be looking for new security guarantees with Russia. There is only one problem, Germany and Poland would need to contend with the revenge of the Ukrainian Army.

The American humiliation would be unrecoverable. The collapse would be complete and it would never again hold it’s preeminent position in the world.

The bitter cruelty of the American system would meet its definitive end.

Never forgetting, fiction comes in all shapes and sizes.

— Chris