By Christopher Maffei: American Law Enforcement’s Fall Into Atavistic Savagery

In July of 2021, Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) wrote a scathing letter to both Merrick Garland and Kristen Clarke to open an immediate federal investigation regarding a group of Los Angeles Sheriff’s calling themselves “The Executioners”

Maxine Waters: “I ask that the DOJ take two immediate actions: launch an independent investigation into the existence of the ‘Executioners,’ both at the LASD Compton station and within the greater LASD community, and launch a pattern or practice investigation into the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for potential civil rights and constitutional violations,”

(A year on)― nothing’s been done.

It seems we live in the primacy of — the now. Where after George Floyd we hated cops, and after January 6th we loved them once more. Almost like a collective schizophrenia, where western society stops a nation’s medical crisis on a dime. Then immediately shifts focus to the war in Ukraine and the existential evils of the Russian State as if war crimes in Iraq and the pandemic never existed.

In the words of Cornel West, “That’s spiritual decay right there, brother, it really is”

In reality, primary backers of police violence in Los Angeles are really the upper-class cosmopolitan Democrats that live in Malibu or West Hollywood. These “shitlibs” mostly sit with their arms folded as the LASD or their derivative “jump out boys” run amok in East LA. These cops will kill the homeless and wealthy alike with complete impunity. In general, the California courts will simply rubber-stamp police violence and payout insurance settlements to the families as hush money.

As a consequence, the cops that are taught to “shoot first and ask questions later” are generally sacrificed to “the cause” all the while believing that the Administration has their back; when the opposite is generally true. In most cases, these young cops are too inexperienced to see the difference until it’s too late.

Los Angeles is a place where authoritarians rule by witch hunts, moral mania, and violence all the while floating on a river of local media protection. In many ways, Los Angeles cops are more or less helpless, terrified passengers being slung through the mud on an administrative journey that is beyond their comprehension. In most cases, they are simply signing whatever false police reports are before them knowing full well it could bring about the end of their careers if they don’t sign.

As the LASD and California courts are busily transforming themselves into little Lavrentiy Beria’s. The question then becomes; how long can this state-sponsored violence last?

Probably not long because there is no doubt that Aokigahara economic reality is catching up to California. But, instead of death by suicide, the value of the dollar will be the river Styx of the California system. in reality, California politicians like Rusty Hicks have no control over the US money supply and their fate is really being decided on the Caspian steppe where three-quarters of the world’s population in countries like India, China, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Russia are (flat out) abandoning their use of the dollar. The American system is funded by debt and without the ability to monetize the American money supply it will be more or less finita la Commedia for Sacramento. The California courts and their law enforcement appendages will no longer be able to prosecute their campaigns of terror against the urban and rural poor.

Or, as Chris hedges puts it, ” there will be sharp contractions across all government programs including the courts “

And as Californians flee to the imagined safety of the Texas Gulf Coast. Both “The Jump Out Boys” and “The Executioners” will be left out in California. With collapsing budgets and no way to paper over their mistakes. In the end, the reason that the United States can have such an elaborate court system is because the system is funded by debt. And without world reserve currency status. Both “The Jump Out Boys” and the American court system will be “out of the street”

Good riddance.