American Mass Surveillance In 2022

In May of 2013, Edward Snowden revealed an NSA program that gave clear evidence that 90% of the American people were under surveillance by the US government without justification or warrant. At the time, Jeff Moss, founder of the DEFCON hacker convention, asked NSA’s Keath Alexander, “… does the NSA really keep a file on everyone?,” Alexander replied, “No, we don’t. Absolutely no. And anybody who would tell you that we’re keeping files or dossiers on the American people knows that’s not true,” he said.

Soon after the Snowden revelations. The Department of Justice unsealed charges against Snowden on two counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and theft. Although, if you had to prosecute someone, It probably would have been a better idea to prosecute Keath Alexander for breaking the law. Rather than prosecuting the person that actually exposed the crime. . Once again, demonstrating the American courts as just a pure farce.

I guess the laws do not apply to the dumbshits in the District of Columbia any longer.

You would think the vitriol and hate over Snowden would have been enough for one agency? Think again. According to Thierry Meyssan, Both Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) revealed the existence of a secret and (illegal) program run by the CIA, enabling it to collect information on the totality of American citizens. Adding to this nonsense, the National Director of Intelligence Avril Haines announced that 3,394,053 US citizens are being spied on by the FBI without a warrant from the US courts.

In all honesty, with American power collapsing I am not really sure what they are collecting data for. Maybe they are trying to understand how fast they can drive people into the ground. It’s estimated that half of the American people live in grinding poverty in American rural areas. In reality, it must be some pitiful correspondence to read.
