By Christopher Maffei: The Evil Dysfunctionality of Washington

Sometimes I just need to go on an epic RANT.

So here it is…

…Russia is bad and the West is good.

And any shill that strays from this message will be fired on the spot and will never be seen again in polite journalistic society. They will be cast out of the studios to wander the wasteland of blue and red tents.

This really begs the question, is there anything left to save? (or) are we just pretending?

Although, from time to time, all the falsifications are laid bare for all to see. As we know from Seymour Hersh, mainstream journalism has become laughable and schizophrenic in its contradictions.

Seymour Hersh, winner of the Pulitzer, and the journalist that exposed Watergate, and Abu Ghraib. Has now exposed Washington’s bombing of Nord Stream. In his bone-crushing piece regarding Nord Stream; he obliterated both the New York Times and the Washington Post in unison. So much so that there couldn’t even be a retraction or an apology to their readers.

Indeed, this act of War should immediately involve a Congressional investigation. (But) there has not even been a peep from the Beltway dumb-shits.

And unfortunately, this is only one example among many. The question in most people’s minds becomes —

What does a logical-thinking person do in the face of this doodly squat?


Normal Americans simply dismiss the lies and (it) becomes irrelevant.

On the other hand, if you are in Congress; you can simply pretend that the lies are real, and never address the dysfunctionality, weakness, or lack of confidence in American institutions.

Then, if you’re under the dome, to make yourself feel better, you can sensor, restrict and live in a false reality of your own making — much like an inverted existential (Tale of Two Cities) that has been interlaced with technology. In an America that is more and more resembling Warhammer 40k in its perversion.

For the Beltway, this is Washington’s view of reality.

In the case of Washington’s views regarding Russia, are its dismal paradoxes: fierce folie de grandeur, a constant seeking of reassurance from political pundits; its tendency to groupthink, and it’s relentless canceling.

This has delegitimized the institutions and spawned a revolution in revelations. Crushing most (if not all) false narratives in its path. From the Twitter Files to Russia Gate and the Nord Stream scandal. Most if not all of the political classes have fallen into disrepute by the inteligencia. This ridiculous parade of false narratives has also turned into a Bonanza for American comedians as trust in the institutions dies a slow death.

Believe me, Washington Does not Care About You

The American system is simple. The objective is to destroy everything.

The Beltway Bandits don’t care about what’s important to Americans or anything outside protecting their special interests. You’re a resource to be exploited and you have NO rights. The Jackals in Washington know that the vast majority of Americans hate them and they don’t care what you think. Their only objective is to divide and confused so they don’t have their stealing interrupted.

You’re an Insurgency to be defeated and whether you live or die is meaningless.

In fact, if everything is destroyed you depend on Washington to resolve the problems. This policy of destruction applies to both its citizens and its foreign policy. That is precisely why the United States would drone Pakistani wedding parties and why the American courts profit from the chaos left in the wake of a violent police force.

As a consequence, if you build a life in America; someone in your family will fall into social fragmentation and self-destruction. The perfect example would be cycling people in and out of the courts for the profits of the legal industry. That is precisely why the American police have become the henchmen of self-destruction and the arbiters of redirecting monetized debt to the legal industry.

The sycophants and troglodytes within American law enforcement are too primitive to see the difference and they live within an institutional xenophobic culture, where their only concern in life is a — (blue life).

The vast majority of police; have abandoned public service to save their small pensions. However, much like a sick joke, this pension probably won’t even exist in 10 years. It will either be inflated away or the institution will be abandoned — as it is being abandoned now

The more destruction the better.

For many, the question becomes, how is it even possible to profit off the self-destruction of your own society? This should be counterintuitive, yet the answer is very simple.

The Beltway bandits depend on American military force to ensure World Reserve Currency status. This means that Congress can give the special interests within their states, money that is generated out of thin air.

Or the monetization of debt.

This money is given to the courts, police, local government, and corporate interests. On the local government level, the more society fails the more money they give to the States to fix the problems.

And so…

The conflict of interest is obvious — there is no incentive to resolve the problems. You can generate more money by destroying. Meaning the American people are Washington’s enemy and they are treated like an insurgency to be defeated; just as Washington views Russia as the enemy.

That is the American system today.

And Russia is putting an end to the system of monetized American debt and (inadvertently) saving the American population in the process.

Unfortunately, most do not realize America is collapsing and they are trying to resolve social fragmentation and poisoned solidarity with personal responsibility.

As a consequence, many Americans tend to interpret their problems as personal problems rather than social problems. In America, many believe what is happening to their families is something of personal responsibility and not bad governance. This misinterpretation of objective reality leads to deep confusion and personal self-doubt.

When the only solution is to leave American society before you become a victim of social and economic collapse. An event that is ongoing and constant.

Nuclear War or Bust

Due to the widespread self-destruction, social fragmentation, and rapid decline in the confidence of American institutions. America no longer has the combined arms elements to challenge its near-peer competitors on two fronts.

Meaning, that Washington’s hegemony over world finance has ended and so has America’s ability to monetize its debt. From this moment forward, not only will America experience rapid inflation within the real estate markets. Inflation in consumer goods will make untolled millions homeless. In societies such as these — children suffer the most.

In desperation, the Beltway dumbshits will try and redress the balance of power with nuclear weapons and America will cease to exist.

Unless the American people rise peacefully to stop it.

Through non-cooperation.

For example, if you are in law enforcement, simply push the keyboard aside, walk over to your supervisor, place your gun and badge on the table, and say, “I resign” and walk out the door — It’s that simple.

— Chris