By Christopher Maffei: The Illusion of American Naval Power

The Breakdown of American Security

In 1837, Tocqueville described American vaingloriousness as a warning to us all — but we have failed to listen. Nearly 200 years on, and with the Dehellenization of the American soul complete. We can see an American system that has become — an existential threat to us all. This is also coupled with the largest military catastrophe in history that has gone completely unnoticed.

And looking very closely at the facts, not only is the defense of the so-called “homeland” in serious doubt. Russian-Sino weapons advancements have made American force projection to the European and Indo-Pacific regions a near impossibility. This is at the very same time (the opposite) non-reality is being communicated by the press to a very very wary American public. A public that is deeply confused as the American mythology of greatness is being slowly broken on the Caspian steppe. However, the total realization of the American failure has not been realized.

Nor will there be a full realization before it’s too late.

For the United States, there is a fundamental strategic defeat that has been swept under the carpet by the mainstream sphere. It starts with the current carrier-centric Naval Doctrine and ends up with the inability of the Joint Chiefs to come up with a coherent strategy to defend NATO or even the American homeland.

As of this moment, Mexico is allying itself with the BRICS, and there are even murmurs of Canada joining the BRICS as well.

But, who can blame them? The American system is collapsing globally and they will need an alternative system to replace it. And at a time when you thought the current crisis could not get any worse — even France is hitting the eject button and watching the American Empire crash into the sea. But why is the United States in a technical state of defeat?

The Narcissism of Carrier-Centric Doctrine

Clausewitz’ dictum that “it is legitimate to judge an event by its outcome for it is the soundest criterion”

Let us assume its some point in the near future, the Ukraine conflict is concluded and Russia stands victorious on the steppe. Russia, embittered by its losses in Ukraine brings a force of 1.2 million men and 15,000 tanks up to the Finnish border. These Russian formations just sit on the Karelian Isthmus drilling and rotating their regiments back and forth for 12 months.

Of course, A Russian force of this magnitude just sitting on the Finnish frontier is intolerable for the Finns. The Finnish PM demands that NATO counter these formations with their own conventional forces otherwise they will start the process of Article 13 — leaving NATO and seeking a BRICS deal. How can the United States reinforce Finland with a sufficient quantity of men and material so that deterrence is realistic?

This means the sea lanes need to be secure and the United States needs to operate freely in open waters.

For surface fleets to operate in the blue water they need to do so with the assurance that advanced anti-shipping weapons (ASMs) could have a legitimate doctrine to counter the aircraft carrier from being hit with a missile. If the American Navy does not have a countermeasure for ASMs the American surface fleet should stay in port.

In the last 11 years, there has been a fundamental change in Naval warfare. Antishipping cruise missiles (ASCMs) have become hypersonic. ASCMs can be launched from underwater and at extraordinary ranges. Distances well outside the threat detection capability of the Carrier strike group. For example, if six Mig-31k’s are patrolling somewhere over the Norwegian Sea and then are suddenly ordered to attack an American Carrier strike group steaming somewhere south of Iceland. The 31k’s can launch their ASCMs at the absurd ranges of 1900 nautical miles — traveling at a blistering MACH 12.

Then, the question becomes, can an American Carrier Strike group defend against a level one threat of 6 Kinzhal’s directed at a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier?

The answer is NO.

Can a Mig-31k be intercepted before it launches its Killjoy?

The answer is NO.

In fact, defending against a salvo of six ASCMs in an extremely active and hostile Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM) environment is impossible. Getting within the range of hypersonic ASCMs will spell the end of any surface fleet if any engagement were initiated by the Russians. There is no counter measure that can defend against this threat and the carrier strike groups are defeated before they leave port.

Ballistic missile submarines, attack submarines, and cruise missile subs are still viable Naval platforms. The large legacy carrier Centric doctrine needs to be abandoned and the carriers need to be scrapped — today.

Make no mistake, if the Americans needed to support NATO against Russia. The fleet would be sunk with hypersonic ASCMs. Then all of the logistical ships would be sunk by subsonic cruise missiles, to add insult to injury. The same scenario applies to Taiwan.

This is the illusion of NATO force projection.

Collapsing Institutional Confidence

American self-centeredness and stupidity know no bounds at times and it can be embarrassing when you come to realize that the vast majority of the world believes in modesty and the family as the cornerstone in life.

Now, it should be no surprise, when in 2004 Karl Rove summarized the essence of US foreign policy in his now infamous dictum of stupidity when he said —

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors (…) and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do”

These cringe-worthy words would ring hollow when only 4 years later, the entire global economy would be brought to its knees in the great derivatives crisis. This fiscal crisis would ruin millions and millions of lives in the United States. However, it was not just American families. During this time, I was traveling all over the world and this credit crisis had stopped economic development anywhere the dollar was dominant. Everywhere I went, there were abandoned projects everywhere. From Europe to Japan, to Australia, and on and on.

In many ways, collapsing American institutional confidence really started after 1971. When it became clear that the United States was going to lose the war in South East Asia. Although this would recover in the first Gulf War in 1990 and then again in the Casus belli of 2001. The American Empire would once again start to decline in 2006 when low-intensity attrition started to take hold in Iraq and then in Afghanistan.

Finally, America was defeated in Afghanistan.

This marked the end of American power and has now precipitated a deep social crisis in the American heartland. As of this moment, America is having an existential crisis in its mythology.

And just as the Suez Crisis was the conclusion of the British Empire. The Afghan defeat was America’s exit from the world stage. If we carefully examine the Suez Crisis, British newspapers carefully controlled the event’s perceptions. In London, the press was always communicating hopeful spins on what was the final collapse of the British Empire. This is precisely the state of American politics today and the result will be the same.

And as the Institutions try and deceive the American public through censorship. This is having the opposite effect on the American people; the breakdown of trust in American Institutions is simply accelerating in the eyes of its citizens. Globally, The G-20 has been abandoned for the BRICS+ and the G-7 is now the BRICS in gross GDP(And) please, these economic facts are impossible to censor or hide.

Since January of 2022, American de-dollarization has expanded rapidly. Many countries like Saudi Arabia, India, China, Brazil, and even Mexico are scrambling to the doors with parachutes and liquidating their dollar holdings, and looking for new arrangements. For many countries, SWIFT is being shelved for SPFS and American sanctions are being ignored globally.

For 3/4 of the world’s population, the American system has turned into the Black Death. It has turned into John Carpenter’s “Escape from New York” Where many countries are metaphorically trapped on this horrible little island of sanctions and threats. Now, everyone’s getting into their boats and rowing as fast as they can; just as the island sinks into the darkness.

The Coming Détente and Partial American Surrender

Let’s not pull any punches and get right to the point, America is defeated in a peer conflict. It is a powerful force in low-intensity regimental-size force projection. However, It will be defeated in a combined arms conflict. Let’s start with the fact, that if a peer conflict we’re to ensue between the United States and Russia.

All of the carrier strike groups out on the blue water would be hunted down and — “sunk

The carriers that are not on deployment and are in US ports would probably be spared. With the American Navy gone. The United States would have a choice — escalate the conflict to a nuclear one, and of course, as we all know you can’t win wars with nuclear weapons. If the nuclear option were the choice, the United States and everyone there would cease to exist and America would be gone. Central Asia would survive due to its sheer size, and it would persist and recover.

The whole conflict is meaningless and America is defeated — right now.

The military-industrial complex has failed and now it’s time to come to the table and start to work together on economic development with China and Russia, starting with the Bering Strait tunnel project and linking North America with Central Asia. Then, extend this project linking Central and South America and working together peacefully.

A century-long project.

Ending the nuclear threat once and for all.

There is no other choice, in the current state of affairs, America can not compete with Central Asia in the long term. One of the American strengths is calling “a spade a spade“ and dealing with the problem directly. We are not doing that right now we are just pretending — ignoring reality and acting like small children.

— Chris

  1. Robert Reilly termed de-Hellenization2 — a complete loss of sound reasoning across the whole spectrum of national activities from foreign policy, to economics, to war, to culture.