To start with, we need to thank Matt Taibbi’s journalism. Because of his work, we now know that the distortion of American reality that we have all been feeling to one degree or another has been born out through the―Twitter Files.
And thanks to Matt’s research, we now know that the FBI has been grossly distorting the way Americans have been perceiving their lives. Additionally, Matt has also discovered that many US intelligence agencies have been actively moderating and censoring what we see and reed―(domestically). In many ways, this censorship is to facilitate how we all perceive the war in Ukraine as well as our socioeconomic circumstances — no matter how precarious it may be.
This is because unbeknownst to most Americans they are on the precipice of a nuclear conflict.
This existential threat is being driven by Washington’s need to keep both Russia and the global community tied to the New York bond markets. And as we know, the glue that binds this global money system together is American military force. However, this arrangement is rapidly changing as de-dollarization is rapidly advancing.
What many don’t really understand, Russia and China don’t want a nuclear war.
For the most part, both Russia and China simply want to depart the American system of settlements regarding energy trading―and this has been no simple task. Nevertheless, both Russia and China are on the precipice of accomplishing this goal.
Many world leaders understand that America is collapsing both economically and militarily. When viewed from the eyes of Russia and China, the United States is seen as “falling to pieces” from a lack of domestic confidence and internal corruption that is driving the nation to ruin. A trend that seems to be accelerating.
The truth is, both Russia and China are pre-empting the American collapse by placing military pressure on strategic locations― such as Taiwan and Ukraine. They are also placing economic pressure on energy trading regions to end the petrodollar’s dominance.

What many in the West do not understand, the BRICS members desperately want out of the American system before it completely collapses. That is precisely why they are forming their own reserve currencies before the United States reaches the final stages of deterioration.
For the Russians, the war in Ukraine accomplishes precisely what the Russian leadership needs. First, the sanctions separate the Russian economy from the American systems of finance and sanctions regimes. Secondly, it demonstrates the fecklessness of American military force through the inability to project ―real― military power in Central Asia. Finally, and most importantly, it further delegitimizes American power in the eyes of its allies and non-allies, alike.
Most American military planners understand that they are on the precipice of general defeat regarding hegemonic influence and combined arms military force. As far as General Milley is concerned, he had no illusions about this reality, and that is precisely why Milley was calling for a ceasefire in November. Nevertheless, the “dumbshits” in Washington (quickly) denounced a ceasefire in favor of more fantasy-driven narratives — making nuclear war more likely.
For the most part, most congressional lawyers don’t have the military experience and don’t understand that nuclear weapons (alone) can’t win a general war. The American military no longer has the combined arms elements to change a losing outcome in Europe
America has neither the time to mobilize nor the money.
To understand why Russia and China are so desperate to leave the American system. Is to understand the sequence of events in the last 15 years.
From the eyes of both Russia and China, they look at America with trepidation and fear.
To start with, the American military defeat of Iraq and the refugee crisis that precipitated this, flooded displaced peoples into both Russia and Europe. This completely overwhelmed the social welfare systems and caused a host of political and financial problems for Russia, particularly.
And even though China was not affected by the refugee crisis like Russia was. China was heavily affected by the American financial collapse of 2008. This almost completely stopped economic development in both Russia and China. This is when Russians were being made homeless and they were completely dependent on the dollar as the world reserve currency.
We can never forget that as Russia and China looked on, civil unrest in May of 2020 (literally) brought the American security regime to its knees. It also disrupted American logistics for months and stopped Chinese shipping altogether.
I’m sure Russia and China will never forget the “unceremonious” evacuation of Afghanistan a year later. When the ANA were falling to their deaths from C-17s…
..Its easy to see that Russia may have metaphorically seen itself falling from those wheel farings as well. Particularly, when the landing gear retracted and the men that had so faithfully served the American empire―fell 3000 feet to their deaths.
If any other world leaders were giving the United States “the benefit of the doubt” after everything I just described. That probably faded away when the January 6th riots took down the capital.
Or simply logging on to TikTok you can see millions of Americans who are living on the streets in putrid squalor and dying from exposure in small blue tents.
Now, world leaders are expecting Americans to manage the world reserve currency. A currency, that literally billions of people are relying upon for their very existence and financial security?
Are you fucking kidding me?
At this point, the American system is literally poisoning anything it touches and Russia and China see the American Empire in (full-blown) collapse. They need to form a new system as soon as possible and completely disconnect themselves from the American settlements portion of the system.
The BRICS is far from a new idea. But, it’s more appealing than ever before. Therefore, we now have the BRICS+. And at least for now, it’s outside the world of American-driven finance and fantasies. It is separating the world into two financial system’s and this is driving the Jackles in Washington into hyperventilating fits. They simply do not have the threat of force to stop it and the normal methods of threats and sanctions are not working any longer.
Adding to the Sino-Russian fears is the collapse in domestic confidence in American institutions. Confidence in the American government or its institutions has been surveyed in the single digits by the American people. And one gets the feeling that there is a silent revolution of no confidence in the system in general. We can never forget that most revolutions are nonviolent affairs. Governments generally collapse when people simply refuse to participate in the institutions. There is vast evidence of this phenomenon in America today.
What has driven the United States to ruin, is that most Americans have a centrist view of themselves and are unable to empathize with other nation-states. This “exceptionalism” in American foreign policy has blinded the (so-called)― exceptional people.

Looking with hope, we can see the BRICS sailing off in the distance. Here we are at the end, and the American military is unable to bail out the sycophants in Washington no matter how much money they spend.
This can also be viewed as a new beginning, where Americans can focus on their own internal problems and deal with the regimes that have confused and manipulated them.
The good news is that the American grip is weakening and a peaceful transition away from the institutional systems of violence may finally be in the cards. The self-destruction can come to an end and the social bonds can finally heal.
But, I highly doubt it.