By Christopher Maffei: The Stenographers of False Russian Narratives Collapses

The Acrimonious Acronyms Wallop the American Elections

The Collapse of American Journalism

Typically when stories of any significance are broken by American journalist; they start in the New York Times and Washington Post. From this starting point these pieces are commentated by cable news. And as these (things) cycle through cable news, they are then amplified by social media.

The so called, Russia Gate and Hamilton 68 are a case and point.

For many of us that have followed this utter nonsense for any length of time or detail. We have known Russia Gate was unsourced and unsubstantiated. We also knew the “magic shit box” Hamilton 68 was the source of countless fraudulent stories regarding negative Russian narratives. We knew that it was complete and an utter fraud.

However, we couldn’t prove it.

Matt Taibbi has taken this research to a whole new level, and western journalism is finally coming full circle with―Hamilton 68. We now know that thousands and thousands of headlines were generated from this magic box of nonsense. Everything from Russian collusion, to Russian incompetence, to the manipulation of American elections, to the president being a Russian puppet, and the list does on and on and on.

Matt Taibbi, former journalist for Rolling Stone, and 6 time New York Times bestselling author. Along with his friend, Jeff Gerth, winner of the Pulitzer, with 30 plus years at the New Your Times has completely crushed the Russia Gate narrative.

As a matter of fact, Matt Taibbi’s research at Twitter has shown that Hamilton 68 as a news source is nothing more than a steaming pile of horse shit. And when talking about this subject, let’s not pull any punches, this “shit box” has been the source of countless nonsensical headlines from the most prestigious newspapers, globally.

Jeff Gerth, has meticulously pulled apart the Russian narrative in a bone-crushing 4 part 24,000-word essay. Published in the Columbia Journalism Review, Jeff obliterates the Russia Gate narrative. A story that some of the most prestigious newspapers in America took as gospel. A reality in which, some of the most notable journalists did not even ask the most fundamental questions, such as,

What is the source of the (source) of Hamilton 68 that I am citing as a― source?

In fairness, I can see some journalists being fooled. But in the words of Matt Taibbi to Walter Kirn―“but all of them?”

Of course, the mainstream media is dead silent on the matter.

Finally, we can never forget the real horseman of the journalistic apocalypse, The two journalist that did the most work on this subject in the beginning. Aaron Maté and Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone. They took all the flak when no one else would listen.


The Quest to Invert Americans Perception of Reality

One of the real problems with this fabricated nonsense is that it artificially enhanced anger toward Russia at the same time deeply confusing the American peoples perceptions of objective fact.

Especially in regards to Russia’s level of involvement regarding interference in American Presidential elections. Hamilton 68 also had the same effect of subverting general elections in the United States while at the same time claiming Russia was responsible for the very same subversion Hamilton 68 was committing

The question becomes who is managing Hamilton 68? A myriad of American intelligence and law enforcement Jackals that will remain nameless. We should never lose sight of the fact that these people should be prosecuted for subversion of the democratic process. Sadly, these all American moles will skate ―Scott free

Also, pressure placed on Twitter by the FBI, DHS, CIA and just about every other three letter agency on the planet has shown that American perceptions of Russian military incompetence were enhanced by both our friends at Hamilton 68 and the FBI.

The lack of integrity at the FBI is beyond comprehension and there needs to be a full Congressional investigation.

I can tell you precisely what the dumb shits in Washington are going to do– absolutely nothing.

What does this all add up too?

In the end, the real danger with this (so called) deep state deception is that the FBI and Hamilton 68 used political and class hatred against the former president as a cover to censor and deceive the American people.

Given the FBI’s influence of Twitter, many government agencies did enhance the false reality of Russian collusion and then at the same time use sights like Hamilton 68 to lie about Russian competence on the Battlefield.

Giving Americans the idea that war with Russia would be an easy endeavor. In fact this nonsensical crap, has worked so well that some members of my audience believe that Russian nuclear weapons would not function correctly.

And sadly as American foreign policy descends into the abyss, many Americans want to believe this false reality that is being constructed around them.

The lies seem to be like warm blankets to most.
