Subtext: One Long Creeping Coup..
From the American Government’s censorship of the internet to the hammering of freedom of speech. Many are starting to get the idea that Congress is nothing more than window dressing and the American Supreme Court is paid just to stir up trouble. In fact, many must be getting the feeling by now that life is like one long creeping coup as Congress is constantly passing laws that seem to abridge the Constitution.
Isn’t America a nation of laws?
America is no such place.
Living in America is the same as living in complete — illegality. In Washington, democracy is nothing more than a warm blanket for politicians under the dome, and the system (itself) is a farce under the cloak of law
And unfortunately for Washington, many people are having an in-the-mirror moment and beginning to realize that American power is nothing more than a hollow shell and not worth the price for the services being rendered. Metaphorically, paying 5-star prices for a 1-star hotel has people heading to the counter and ringing the bell.
What the representatives in Congress need to get through their thick skulls — American dominance is over
What is also becoming very apparent, the degenerate Washington cabal really needs to start to learn how to manage the American collapse with a little more savoir-faire. But instead of accepting this reality, lawmakers are funding programs that give them a false sense of accomplishment. This effect can best be seen, in the helplessness of Congress to arrest the collapse of dollar hegemony abroad.
This is all happening at the same time Congress is restricting freedom of expression domestically. As if, somehow, Americans being unaware of the collapsing American position in the world is going to somehow change the movement away from the US Dollar. The dumbshits in Congress seem more and more prone to wishful thinking; passing laws that are not grounded in reality and can only exacerbate the crashing confidence within American institutions.
Of course, what they will soon understand, Congress can do nothing to stop the global community from moving to a multipolar reality that spells the doom for unbridled Congressional spending.
And in the end that is what these Jackals care about the most.
Recently, a new bill was proposed by Mark Warner called the RESTRICT Act. This law severely restricts freedom of journalistic expression and is the embodiment of Americans living in a state of constitutional illegality. Whether this bill is passed makes no difference, the American system is being ignored and does nothing to stop the avalanche of de-dollarization around the world. Meaning, the RESTRICT Act. is counterproductive, vindictive, and a waste of time.
We can never forget the entire American system of economics, social structures, and cultural identities. Revolve around the United States as a global empire. That is precisely why Congress seems paralyzed to think outside of an American military that has been defeated. Most of these people have not served one day in uniform and have no understanding of exactly what the gravity of the American defeat really is.
Nevertheless, we are here and it’s irreversible.
Within the congressional hearings, there is a mix of desperation and excessive overconfidence from the representatives. This excessive overconfidence is simply a counter-reaction to the loss of power and esteem
Especially during the meetings with the defense secretary. It’s almost as if Congress represents a company that is bankrupt and can no longer pay its bills and the defense secretary is a power broker that will provide more money to keep the scam going. The only problem is; there is no amount of money that can reverse the situation.
The American system will enter two phases: Collapse and disintegration. We have been in the collapse phase since 2007 and when the US bond market is abandoned we will start the disintegration phase. We are starting to see signs of that now. Especially in the homeless rates that will continue to expand. The American military is clearly incapable of high-intensity sustained force projection. And because of this, I hear a lot of wishful thinking from Americans.
Such as, “We have some new wonder weapons that no one has seen before! “ Or the biggest “Lulu” of them all — “This is a part of some wider agenda that the United States has complete control over.“ Of course, the fantasy of a wider agenda gives the illusion of comprehensive control when the evidence demonstrates precisely the opposite.
No doubt, Americans need to start to make plans to emigrate. Otherwise, they will soon be trapped in a country where magical thinking abounds.