By Christopher Maffei: American Commanding Officers Are Walking Out

Subtext: Thank God

One thing I will never forget about the Department of Defense is the enormous size of the bureaucracy. In fact, it is so large — any one individual has almost no meaning. And it doesn’t really matter if you’re the Secretary of Defense or the chairman of the joint chiefs. In the end, all DOD employees are just single individuals within a vast impersonal bureaucracy.

For example, when it comes right down to it, the Secretary of Defense is just — Lloyd

In fact, the United States Department of Defense is the largest organization in the world and we can never lose sight of the fact that it’s meant to preserve the institutions; even if it destroys itself in the process. In many ways, this may seem counterintuitive and may fly in the face of logic. However, anyone who has worked at DOD long enough knows this is the case.

Therefore, if things are difficult at your ‘command’. You have a choice; walk away at the end of your contract or take retirement. In the case of the joint chiefs, the option is — mutiny through retirement.

And right now we are seeing precisely that. We are seeing the general staff walk out the door and quietly retire. So far, there have been no dramatic resignations. Just command-level officers walking away — before mandatory retirement.

Lets go through the short list of note-worthy officers:

General Mark Milley (who was loved by the Senate) is leaving. General Paul Nakasone, and his deputy, George Barnes, announced their desire to leave their posts. Additionally, John Chris Inglis, Director of Cybersecurity, who also previously worked at the NSA, resigned and General Scott Berrier of the DIA is leaving as well. These are just the public resignations and there are many more.

But why? Obviously (things) are not going well…

Given the fact that the American — omnipotent state — is in a kind of lockdown. There is an extreme censorship regime within the entire Western media sphere; including search engines like Google. These companies are tightly controlling information through the algorithmic suppression of their indexes.

We know this is true because of Matt Taibbi’s journalistic work on Hamilton 68 and the Twitter files.

To the general staff at the Pentagon, this has short-circuited democracy (in a way) where unrealistic and insane ideas are floored as reality. And without countervailing opinions, the joint chiefs have no way to stop what’s happening unless they simply resign. That is why you see so many commanding officers walking out the door.

For example, If you say you’re sending F-16s to Ukraine; this is purely a political decision. Just as sending Abrams to Ukraine is also politically motivated. Lets be clear, CJCS knows this will not shape the battlefield in Washington’s favor — in any way shape or form. Yet, they are being asked to sacrifice American military assets for nothing. Hopefully, the dumbshits in Washington will get the message as these high-quality officers walk out the door in droves.

The principal problem is that the Senate is asking the Department of Defense to fight a two-front combined-arms war. In most cases, the DOD can only fight regimental-size low-intensity conflicts like in Afghanistan or Iraq.

And even then, we got our asses handed to us.

Now the Senate is asking the Pentagon to possibly fight a two-front war against China and Russia; risking a nuclear conflict.

Guess what? DD214 out the door…

— Chris