By Christopher Maffei: Get Ready for Nuclear War And Start to Love Inflation

By: Christopher Maffei

In September, at the United Nations, the “Machiavellian Madman” (Biden) opined his typical platitudes and threats to an indifferent audience. And much like his Philadelphia speech. I could not help but think, that his threats seemed to be veiled in a passive dementia that comes and goes on (Q) — especially depending on the circumstances.

In stark contrast, you could see Sergei Lavrov walking through the UN halls with a fatherly self-calm. He was busy meeting with representatives from China, Cuba, Eritrea, Serbia, Laos, Jordan, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Algeria, Burkina Faso, India, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines, and Mexico among others.

Roughly representing 3.5 billion people.

What most of western society seems to miss in all of this; if you count the abstentions at the UN over the Russian war in Ukraine — roughly 3/4 of the world’s population is turning their backs on America. So much for Washington’s claims that Russia is isolated and alone on the world stage.

Most telling is Washington’s war on the American people. Not only are they fighting more than 2/3 of the world’s population that are directly and indirectly siding with Russia. They have declared half of the American people as a “clear and present danger” (Or)― Anyone who says NO to Washington’s will.

What is most puzzling at the moment is not even the neoliberal queens are making their typical rounds giving people their synthetic sympathies and false reassurances any longer. Generally speaking, everyone seems completely happy in the Hamptons throwing parties and hanging with Jolie. Or (a)grift in Martha’s Vineyard with the rest of the limited hangout

Especially after the blowout at the airport.

Which makes everything even more spooky and confusing.

Matt Taibbi Substack

Matt Taibbi recently conveyed apprehension with some dread and said, ” This feels like a plot twist out of Dr. Strangelove. Or the purity of essence plan– Wing Attack Group (R). We are going to send everyone out and dam the torpedoes. We have made the decision and the only thing left is total commitment”. He continued in a boyish tone, “and it feels real-real scary”

Even talking with friends in California. They seem indifferent as if they are above all concerns and the world is their oyster. Most are completely unaware or able to accept the impending catastrophe.

In “The Golden State” even talking about a catastrophe is heresy. You can be excommunicated for even attempting to spoil the decadence.

But what can’t be hidden, is the military reality on the Caspian Steppe.

There is no military calculus in which Ukraine can win this war. Therefore the only solution is to come to the table and stop the violence.

But stopping the violence is not on Washington’s table. Instead, they are resisting all attempts for peace, and the apoplectic Ukrainians are being forcibly injected into the combat zone— with no choice.

All the while Californians wakeboard in the delta and drink themselves into a stupor on Malibu Beach. Its no wonder the Russians are losing their patience.

No doubt we have long ago reached the doublethink phase which was predicted by Orwell, where most of the population is conscious of double standards but ignores them with facile contempt.
