By: Christopher Maffei
Every empire in history has had a parallel state within a state.
There are no exceptions…
To start with, Roman methodologies of the maxim of divide et impera did not die with the Roman Empire in 470. Nor did Roman methodologies end when Constantinople was captured by the Turks in 1453. During the 1000 years between this time, these methods were passed on to the Venetians. They, in turn, passed these intergovernmental ways on to the French, and British. The British passed these methods on to the Americans.
What are these methods?
There are many, but we are going to focus on two Venetian methodologies. First, is the idea of a parallel state-within-a-state. Secondly, the maxim of divide and rule. In other words, if you were to bring back King Philip II, Augustus, Julius Caesar, or Gasparo Contarini of Venice, they would all understand what is happening in Western Society today and feel at home.
Therefore, this being the case, when looking at the September 11th event we need to examine a parallel state-within-a-state, the maxim of divide and rule, and events that are made to manipulate and destabilize through words and events.

In many ways, nation-state synthetic terror events can be extremely complex, opaque, and effective in a postmodern world. The reason these practices are effective is that we live in a nihilistic existential reality that obscures individual human perceptions. In many ways, the universe that surrounds the individual person is so complex that they need to be told how to perceive reality. And to understand the September 11th event, we need to understand what was happening a week before the attacks in NYC.
To start with, two weeks before September 11th. Starting on about September 2nd, the 10th Strategic Air Command was in a massive Armageddon exercise in the northern polar region. On this day, both B1 Lancers and B-52’s were loaded with hydrogen weapons and orbiting over the North Pole. Running in tandem to counter this American threat. The Russian 37th Air Army was in the largest exercise since 1993.
As Russia was observing these Armageddon exercises running in the far North. Russian army command understood that the United States was using both Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian to mask for a first strike against their country. The United States is mobilizing for nuclear war and is ready for a first strike.
It is now September 11th, and as the proceeding planes are colliding with the Pentagon and World Trade Centers. NORAD is at its highest level of readiness and is ready for nuclear war
As this nuclear crisis is unfolding, the preceding shock of the events in NYC has completely confused the public’s perceptions of reality. In very short order, Russian strategic planners realize Russia can be blamed for the September 11th event and America can easily turn world support against them. If Russia is blamed, they will already be on their back foot and will have lost the war in “the temple”. Therefore Armageddon is the only option for Russia―they no longer have the capacity to mount a conventional campaign.
Adding to the American advantage, US airspace is now closed due to the the colliding aircraft in NYC and Washington. Consequently, NORAD can more easily identify any Russian flying objects over the North Pole for possible interception.

And God only knows what the exchange of language was between Putin and Bush when an obscure terrorist organization was blamed for the incident.
What is happening on September 11th, 2001? The American Parallel State is launching the war of civilizations. When talking about this subject, to understand what is happening we need to move away from New York City and look at what is happening, militarily. Generally speaking, the effects that we observed in NYC that day were just a small part of a much wider military campaign that had a nuclear component structured into the event.
It is very common, in both the modern and postmodern eras for nation-states to commit attacks upon their own populations to unify support to a cause.
For example, in 1939 the Gleiwitz incident was the German justification for the invasion of Poland. In fact, it was a part of a series of attacks that were along the German-Polish border committed by the SS. Then publicized within the German mainstream sphere.

Hitler had told his generals on 23 August — “I will provide a propagandistic casus belli. Its credibility doesn’t matter. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth”.
Of course, the scale of this false flag was so insignificant it did not have any effect at all, and both France and the United Kingdom declared war forthwith. Now, in 2021, these synthetic terror events are losing their effectiveness. Now it seems pandemics and mass censorship are in vogue.
We can never forget, in this current political structure, we can believe whatever we want. If you believe September 11th was a false flag on a vast scale never before seen in history, that’s fine. You can even believe the official version of the event is true; it doesn’t really make any difference. Its credibility is irrelevant and the Parallel State does not care what you or I think. It is subject to prosecution by no one and this body of interest will define what reality is.
Hence, it is an oligarchy that is the military-industrial complex and it controls the vast majority of energy interests, globally. Its goal is unchallenged military supremacy and to meet that end it will use whatever methods necessary — including nuclear war. What we all must understand is the population will be sacrificed to meet these ends if necessary.
Information about military activity on September 11th is blocked by National Security. Therefore, we have to speculate about what happened on that day given the information that is public.
On the morning of September 11th, 2001— Before, the planes struck the trade centers NORAD was ready for nuclear war (and) drilling to support the start of nuclear conflict.

Meaning, that the United States was one step away from Nuclear War before the planes struck in New York City. Additionally, Strategic Air Command (SAC) was drilling for Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian. These joint exercises are defending against Russian bomber attacks.
Also, on September 11th there was a STRATCOM drill defending against a “bad insider”. The drill was contriving a bad insider that has key access to C3 systems that could have an ICBM launch option.
Think about what this means, simply change the drill “one dial to the left” and you have a “bad insider” that (can) launch the missiles. Of course, that gives the parallel faction the ability to launch if the president is dead or unwilling.
Well before the morning of September 11th, the US military is on the edge of nuclear war. A war that has a conduit through approximately forty-six drills. The largest concentration of drills in American history.
Historically, September 11th drove Russia and the United States right to the edge of a nuclear catastrophe. As the event unfolded the Russians needed to assume this is a false flag on a scale so far removed from normal reality that it’s almost impossible to believe. It does not matter if real terrorists attacked the United States the Russians have to assume the opposite is true and the Americans are responsible for attacks on their own territory. The Russians probably already knew about what was going to happen―not the outcome. But, what we must understand is that the Russians must assume that the US military is responsible for the attacks— they have no choice.

The most important thing the September 11th attacks do for SAC and NORAD is it clears the sky so that NORAD can identify any Russian flying objects without being confused with normal commercial or private aircraft.
Second, comes the American demand for Russia. It (may have) sounded something like this — “we are going into Afghanistan and Iraq and if you try and stop us we are going to war”.
That is why you need to assume that all US forces are at DEFCON 1. The Americans have the initiative they’re ready for nuclear war.
Third, the loss of life is so extreme that both the American and global communities have an outpouring of support as well as sympathy for the new war on terror and the United States.
What we need to always remember, that the tragedy in New York was just a small event compared to what could have happened on that day 22 years ago.
The only thing we know about September 11th is the effects observed in New York City, and this is just a small part of a much wider part of an American military exercise that encompassed approximately forty-six drills — on the day of. As well as a high probability for war over the next 3 years that followed the event.
Many will ask, where are the 3 branches of government? What about American leadership? The reality is, they are just there as figureheads and will do exactly what they are told.

Here we can see President Bush just 5 minutes after he was told about the planes crashing into buildings in NYC. They said, “He was trying to project power” No, I see a man that is fucking terrified. And due to the sheer scale of what’s happening, the secret service should have immediately taken him away and protected him. Instead, he is being kept in the open like my “Pet Goat”. Being brought out on a leash for a sacrifice. That in itself was a scandal. Obviously, he was figurehead president and a puppet.
Adding to the threat against the president during the morning of September 11th. There was a half-hearted assassination attempt against him on the morning before the “Pet Goat” reading.
Then, when the President lifted off from Sarasota, Florida in Air Force One. The pilot, Colonel Mark Tillman received a threat over an encoded channel, with a very simple message, “Angel Is Next“.
At that point, Jacksonville Center communicated, “Angel One you have traffic behind you and basically above you that is descending into you, we are not in contact with them — they have shut their transponder off”.
Colonel Tillman said he changed course and flew over the Gulf of Mexico and called for fighter support. The contact did not follow Air Force One. The parallel faction is communicating to the president―“hello sunny boy, you are going to do what you’re told today” .

The Parallel State that committed the September 11th attacks is still in power. When we examine the synthetic terror events in Norway or France— they are very minor compared to what could have happened to these countries.
In the United States, there was a social movement called 911 Truth. Over time, this movement never really gained wide support.
The truth is, subconsciously, Americans really love their military and the power that it projects— especially the clandestine services. There is a romantic component connected to the intelligence services in America. There are many books and feature films about this narrative that have wide appeal in America. The cultural reality is the September 11th attacks fit into the American need for violence and intrigue that Oliver Stone writes about.
A conspiracy surrounding the September 11th event is what Americans expect to hear. They want to call it out, and say, “we know the government is lying” when in reality there is a deep pride in the psyche of the average American regarding the power of the military. Watching aircraft crashing into skyscrapers in New York City is deeply satisfying to many Americans in the Deep South. Many of these Americans have long-standing resentments from the civil war and even though they may communicate regret regarding 911 that is not what they are feeling, subconsciously.
Like no other culture in the world, Americans look at violence as a cleansing agent. Whereas, if you are in Japan, France, Germany, or Switzerland — suicide would be the preferred method of violence. In America, violence is an outward manifestation. Even the numbers 911 can be identified with by calling 911 emergency services in the United States. Indeed, the planning for September 11th was well-thought-out.
It captures the psychological needs of Americans. As well as primes the US military for war against the world or the clash of civilizations. For the people that don’t believe in this narrative — it does not matter what we think. In fact, the Parallel State wants you to have doubts about what happened that day. It communicates to you (subconsciously) as the person that you have no power. That you need to fear the state. For the select few that can see through the event for what it is — we are alone in an existential universe and left to suffer in a shadow of nihilism.

For the sake of absurdity, let’s review one aspect of the physical and technical impossibilities of September 11th
The Hani Hanjour Maneuver
How can we know that we are dealing with synthetic terror events?
The question is very simple, can the people or person that the government claims produce the effects that you see? For example, can Hani Hanjour with 20 hours of flight experience, after the stress of hijacking a 757, navigate his way to the Pentagon. And then, with Blue Angel precision, dive his aircraft in a descending 330° corkscrew turn– 7000 feet, straight down over the Pentagon at 500 knots. Miraculously level his aircraft out, ending with the Boeing one-centimeter off the grass to collide with the Pentagon at the appropriate angle.
Hani Hanjour Some Say It Couldn’t Be Done
It does not matter what Hanjour’s criminal intent was. It doesn’t matter if he hated the United States…
…It’s absurd.
And an insult to your intelligence to assume Hanjour can fly at this level.
We will not review all the physical and technical impossibilities of September 11th. Lending credence to a terrorist attack on September 11th is a mockery. However, you can review it at AE911Truth.

Finally, to understand postmodern synthetic terror events, you have to understand military exercises and drills. Keeping this in mind, something really ambitious like September 11th needs a conduit through the bureaucracy to succeed. This is so that you can co-opt the moles that you need to help you with the event. These moles come in many forms.
For example, we know for certain the Air Force was in a Global Guardian exercise during September 11th to simulate nuclear war. If the US military is in this scenario, at any moment the drill can go live. For example, Global Guardian turns into Global (Thunder). Meaning nuclear war becomes real. Also, during September 11th they were drilling for hijacked planes. This involved NORAD artificially placing a signature on the radar. In the minds of the people managing this, It creates ghostly objectivity for the people looking at the systems. Is this a simulation or is this war? In fact, that was the very question that a controller asked on September 11th.

How is it possible so many commissioned officers are silent? This is due to the over-classification of operations within the Pentagon. For example, most if not all work with nuclear weapons is completely classified. Talking about it will trigger prosecution under National Security Laws. Even something as petty as a general saying that he is going to play golf — will be marked (classified). Sharing this information in anyway shape or form can land you in hot water. You will end up in Edward Snowden’s position. Edward Snowden is a poster child to everyone that wants to speak out. In other words, if the US government breaks the law and you speak out they will prosecute you. That is the parallel state-within-a-state.
And many will say — “how can the United States Keep something so large a secret?”
This is not something new to American defense planners.
Simply examine the Manhattan Project. This highly classified program had over 130,000 people working on the development of nuclear weapons. It was kept completely secret.
The September 11th event is significant, but, small in comparison.
— Chris