Divide and Rule Reality That King Philip Would Have Envied
On Medium
By: Christopher Maffei
Looking out onto the landscape of COVID passports and circus conspiracy theories comes the “Delta Variant” — (ya right). Truth be told, we are living in a divide and conquer reality that King Philip would have envied — an upside-down reality (that is laughable). Where we have Gene Simmons selling Cardona and POTUS most likely pretending he has dementia; at the same time he is two steps away from the nuclear football. What can go wrong?
Well to start with, no one really buys the “inverted totalitarianism” any longer unless, of course, you’re Alex Jones binging on Adderal. But, [he] got one thing right, the trust in representative government is close to zero. Even the mainstream media turning off all of their social media feedback will not save them from the well-deserved vitriol and anger. Which signifies the end for “Wall Street Democrats” that love to eat chocolate ice cream as American children are being thrown out of their homes. This is so the “shitlips” can keep their illusion of power by optioning out of reality…
Of course, now (any) algorithmic Google search will take your topic right to the index of the New York Times or Washington Post. Simply, force-feeding you dehumanizing, regressive crap, and every reason why its viewers should jump out of a moving car — conflicts of interest, corporate-tized Vaseline, insensitivity, take the jab, shut up and that is the shortlist.
Now we are getting into Bill Gates at the Grayzone. A college dropout, software developer, has no medical experience — massive investments in vaccine development, Malthusian maniac, media Investments that are so long they stretch out to the Oort Cloud and, (oh yeah) largest contributor to the WHO.
Bill Gates, who has given a meticulously detailed presentation on [his network] TED about how the world is overpopulated and how vaccines can help the problem and is somehow COVIDs Chief spokesman.
Where is the FBI?
I have news for the “Wall Street shitlibs, plutocrat-owned comms colossus and the conservatives that have been shifted so far to the right they have become insane.
You are all sitting on a nationwide powder keg that is about to explode.
BLM and Capitol Hill are going to seem like a Piccolo Pete on the 4th of July compared to what will be next.
The current generation knows that the system is rigged against them — Generation Z is devolving the police occupation into 3rd rate Circus Clowns. Law Enforcement, at this point, is the most despised occupation in United States history. And most cops are leaving their jobs taking early retirement and or PTSD disability. Meanwhile, POTUS is stopping to get vanilla ice cream whenever he can and can’t stop himself from smelling everyone’s hair. Meanwhile, Russia and China must be laughing their asses off.
Law Enforcement “ take down “ and their abject humiliation is nothing compared to exposing the mass media for what it has become: a front for a decrepit oligarchy, a propaganda column that’s allowed its citizens to check out of reality. A hold on truth so powerful that despite a total collapse in confidence and viewership, America’s decrepit leadership can still use the mass media as a way to convince millions of its citizens around the world to get “the jab”.
To get the jab from a Malthusian maniac that has admitted he wants you all dead.
The history of many revolutions is one of non-violence. This was true when French nobility was simply handed over to the Jacobins or when Czar Nicholas II was handed over by the army garrison at Petrograd who joined striking workers who, in turn, handed over Nicholas family to the Bolsheviks. In other words, the protectors just gave up. The violence comes afterward.
If it is not already apparent to the decrepit oligarchy, America can be an extremely violent nation. Americans, like no other place in the world, look at violence as a cleansing agent. As a way to purify. In Europe or Japan, violence against the ills of the world would be taken out on yourself. Whereas, in America, violence is an outward manifestation.
Of course, the Petrograd army garrison for the US Senate is the American police. And they are giving up. To the American people, the government is the enemy. And in turn, the government views the American people as fodder — everything else be dammed.
Trust in Americans representative government is nonexistent and all laws are written to extract some kind of resource out of the people to appease their special interests. These same people are now insisting that everyone receive a substance that has not been approved by the American FDA. Yet people line up for miles to take this experimental crap from a government that everyone hates, does not trust, and is hell-bent on pushing. What would you expect to happen?
With all the shit that is going on, sometimes I feel like a kid again and my faith in humanity is stuck on “Maxx Force” in Six Flags “Great America”, a ride that is jammed and will not stop, all the while with a girlfriend that will not get a clue that we are breaking up. (Oh the irony)
As If the American did not have it bad enough, now these shitlibs and ultra-right maniacs are [all] insisting that our service members get these experimental vaccines. Really? What if just 10% simply walk away? It is not like these people can easily be replaced. Training for use of high-tech weapons is 24 months on average. Even the loss of just 5% of these men and women can cripple our projection of force in such a way that our enemy’s intelligence services can calculate a plan of campaign that our nuclear deterrent may not be an option. The lawyers are too busy making money to notice and the courts are too busy hollowing out America to care.
Of course, now comes to my final point, one that I always circle back to:
[The American Courts Are A Threat To Our National Security]
The stupidity of the senatorial special interests knows no bounds and these people do not care about the American citizenry in any way shape or form. This Princeton study is proof of that. God only knows what the health effects will be on our military personal with an experimental vaccine. What if 60% of our servicemen and women got sick? It would be a fucking catastrophe.
In the end, I am not a doctor, I can not tell you what the future is or if these medicines are good or bad, after all, I am just “Chris” And all this must be taken with a grain of salt.