By: Christopher Maffei
The Storming of the Bastille 2.0 is coming.
Looking out onto the graffiti-filled streets of the major cities. The smoke has cleared and law enforcement in the United States has been defeated. Both as a political and social force.
However, social unrest is far from over. In reality, the forces that set off the destruction were not about one man. But rather, an apparatchik revolution to rid the nation of the “oppressor”. Defining the oppressors as the current centralized structures.
Unlike before, this is not a revolt, but rather a revolution that has Marxist undertones. It has the complete support of the urban poor and Intelligentsia. It has a tacit acquiescence to the American bourgeoisie that sympathizes with the oppressed.
This revolution will continue to gain momentum in the coming years. it will be driven by the masses of urban poor that have been made homeless due to quantitative easing and other economic measures that have excluded the urban poor from the normal economy.
In the United States, the force that keeps the dispossessed masses from rising to challenge the upper and middle classes are the police.
The economic disequilibrium has shifted large portions of the US population towards desperation and social decay. In turn, the police have become more violent to counter these forces.
Whether you support law-enforcement or not is not the question. Can the police protect the American economy in the current form? Can they at least maintain some semblance of order? Can the police undergo reforms without generating social unrest? Not likely.
Law enforcement can no longer maintain its current order. They are demoralized and heavily outnumbered. As of now, their immunity is meaningless and subject to political whim. The judges and district attorneys have gotten the message that they themselves can be the target of violence directed at the police. Or seen as the “oppressors“. In reality, this is a foregone conclusion. The Police are being thrown under the bus to give the illusion the courts are interested in justice. In fact, the judges and district attorneys have been the primary enablers of police violence and they will be the next to fall.
Much like the French Revolution the reforms set in place to prevent revolution were the very catalyst that ended with the Storming Of The Bastille.
Unfortunately, this moment has yet to come. And the current reforms being debated do nothing to bring the United States into economic equilibrium with the urban poor. Never mind the rural poor.

The Storming of the Bastille is coming. The only question is will the mob drag out, senators judges, district attorneys, or any other person deemed as “oppressor” out to the block? What will the United States look like after the revolution? No one can predict what is going to happen next.