Will the Russian Nuclear Arsenal Function? As of late, this seems to be one of the most misplaced questions of our time.
Therefore the question is, ‘Will the enemy’s nuclear arsenal operate as designed and is it a legitimate threat and will the warheads detonate?’
First, to understand this critical question you need to have good intelligence. Specifically, a human asset within the Russian strategic rocket forces or the hydrogen weapons development program. Of course, on the surface, this person sounds like one of the most valuable human assets since the Red Rabbit.
However, there is a problem with this reasoning. The problem is, the Russians will already assume that the enemy has human assets in all of their nuclear programs; even if there are none at all. Therefore, the Russians need to have a credible nuclear deterrent as the highest priority. You can be sure, the Russians will expend whatever resources are needed to ensure a credible nuclear deterrent is realized. Otherwise, the Americans would have already exploited the vulnerability long ago and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine.
Second, is the Russian nuclear delivery systems credible? To start with, the RT-2PM2 Topol-M is the most advanced mobile ICBM launch platform in history, and this should not be a surprise to anyone. The Russian space flight program has had a perfect operational history for the last 25 years. Adding to the weight of this assertion, the Russian space flight program was audited by NASA for the use of manned space flights for Americans. And at least for the people that can remember, this was to the unfettered joy of the American bureaucracy at the time; due to the loss of the shuttle program.
Not only does the Topol-M have the ability to launch over the northern polar region. Amazingly the Topol-M has the ability to launch over the southern polar region as well.
And finally, let’s now come to the reductio-absurdum and put an end to the nuclear functionality debate. We can never forget, this is not a new question and there was a solution 65 years ago.
It starts with the premise that a percentage of the Russian nuclear Arsenal is nonfunctional. In our example, let’s use the extraordinarily high warhead failure rate of 40%. What is the solution to the problem? You simply deliver 3 bombs per target. In this example, let’s assume the Russians are targeting missile silos in the Dakotas. In this case, each site will be hit with 3 to 4 hydrogen-tipped MIRVs per target. This applies to Colorado Springs, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC, (and yes you guessed it) New York City. All will disappear in a cloud of vapor 80,000 ft into the sky — guaranteed.

Therefore the Russian nuclear functionality debate is — dead and buried
It seems every time the dump-shits in Washington escalate tensions with Russia in some stinking location Washington is simply picking up the metaphorical revolver, opening the cylinder, placing one round in the chamber, and closing it, cocking the hammer and then spinning the cylinder. Then, placing the dam barrel to their heads, and then pulling the metaphorical trigger. They do this with every tank they deliver and every drone that collides with a Muscovite apartment block. And eventually…
…Washington is going to run out of luck.
What do you think of people that would play Russian Roulette? It’s the definition of insanity, isn’t it? And because of American reserve currency concerns, Washingtonians are acting like desperate fools at the end of their pitiful ropes. And in many ways the Jackals in Washington are playing Russian Roulette with the American and European people’s lives every time they escalate tensions with Russia.
In many ways, ‘Wishful Thinking’ is a perfectly reasonable response in these circumstances. Everything from the Congressional hearings on UFOs to the belief that the Russian nuclear Arsenal is non-functional. Or another way of looking at this is the belief in the ‘Pygmalion Effect’ in times of crisis. You could see this effect in Berlin at the end of World War Two and you can see it now in the United States Congress.
Especially with the hearings on the reverse engineering of alien technology. The ruse of reverse engineering of alien technology is pure insanity and it is leading to more and more irrational decisions by an American leadership that is becoming more and more disconnected from physical reality.
The idea that the Russian nuclear arsenal is filled with duds is a story for small children. Much like blowing out the candles on a birthday cake.
— Chris