Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Kim Jong Un is one of the major turning points in world history. From this moment forward, American sanctions are no more relevant than its disintegrating cities.
In many ways, this gigantic American foreign policy disaster has no equal in American history.
And after this meeting between Russia and North Korea there is no doubt Russia will be sharing its rocket technology with the DPRK. Meaning, that North Korea is now the regional power, supplanting the United States, Japan, and South Korea.
And many people are asking one simple question: How is this state of affairs even possible?
In mid-summer, President Biden hosted a meeting with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. In this meeting, Biden reassured American security guarantees to both countries with rock-solid cooperation.
Then, 30 days later…
President Putin invited Kim Jong Un to Russia. On this trip, Kim took his armored train on the Baranovsky–Khasan line that connects both Russia and North Korea. In the past, these elegant trains were leftovers from the totalitarian age. These trains included flak batteries and newly installed electronic countermeasures.
When Kim arrived, He met with President Putin, and they both took a tour of Vostochny Cosmodrome; Russia’s most important satellite launch facility. Kim was also invited to Primorsky Aquarium where he seemed to reflect a child-like enthusiasm for the Dolphins and Walrus there.

After leaving, Kim Jong Un laid the groundwork for both security and trade guarantees. From this moment forward, not only does North Korea have the ability to strike Japan and South Korea with its arsenal of 40 low-yield nuclear weapons. North Korea now has the ability to strike Seattle, San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego.
Now we have to ask one very simple question. Is the United States going to come to the aid of the smoking ruins of South Korean cities? Or sacrifice Osaka for San Diego? Or sacrifice Seattle for Seoul?
The answer is obvious.
Of course, this new reality wasn’t lost on Japan. Fumio Kishida called Kim Jong Un and asked for an immediate meeting with no preconditions. Meaning, that Japanese relations with the United States went right into a black hole.
In this state of affairs, positive American relations make no difference, regardless.
Although Western Civilization is very culturally powerful. We are now at a point in history where the United States has no more military or economic relevance than Canada or Brazil.
Many say America has aircraft carriers, nuclear weapons and the strongest air force in the world. It does not matter. America can not fight a combined arms high-intensity conflict. This state of affairs is not at some point in the future. It has already happened.
Many will say, “We can work to resolve the problems”
American problems are unresolvable and the sun has already set.
The dollar is in the process of abandonment, sanctions are ineffective, and military force is irrelevant. The best we can hope for is that the United States starts to manage its collapse more efficiently.
The American sanctions regimes are dead and they are not coming back.
— Chris