As the Caspian Summer turns into late Autumn, a low-hanging mist obscures a cratered landscape from a Russian drone orbiting over the steppes of Zaporizhzhia. Underneath the smoke and fog, lay thousands of burnt-out bullet-ridden wrecks. A graveyard, where the bodies of tens of thousands of Ukrainian Infantry lay strewn across the Battlefield.
On these “Bloodlands”, the Ukrainian dead are unable to be collected due to the fact they exist in a crumple zone that are covered by deep Russian strike elements; and much like the Somme, the rats scour the steppes.
For Ukraine, the war is lost, and there are no more reserve formations. Without any question, this signifies the defeat of NATO and the start of Russian military supremacy in Europe.
To offset this humiliating defeat, the Pentagon has chosen to escalate in the Middle East — at the same time using the dumb-witted Israelis as a proxy to the conflict.
In Gaza, the United States has also chosen to support the wholesale slaughter of innocent Palestinians through American naval and logistical support. This is precisely the support that is facilitating the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and the killing of innocent children.
Using classic 15th-century Venetian methodologies, the American goal is to unite the Arab world against Israel and tear the region wide open into a protracted and bitter conflict.
In the short term, this will benefit the United States and disrupt the Belt and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative is a Sino economic development plan that encompasses over three thousand projects and will have a total cost of seven trillion dollars upon completion. And there is no doubt, the project will logistically unify the entirety of Asia and collectivize 5 billion people into one massive economic block.
The largest project in human history.
The American Descension into Savagery and the Annihilation of Israel
The conflict in Israel has shown to be a fundamental shift in American military doctrine. In the past, the United States had a ceremonial position on the Geneva Conventions. As of now, the mask is off and the United States has transformed into a cabal of lawless savages and is fully endorsing the bombing of civilian areas — a war crime.
What needs to be made clear, if the United States wanted to stop the bombing of Gaza — Washington could easily tell Israel to cease the bombardment. Instead, in a gesture of criminal folly, American Central Command has deployed two carrier strike groups to support the bombing of defenseless Palestinian families.
In response to such a large American force in the region, Russia has deployed MIG-31K’s over the Black Sea to protect the Russian naval facility in Tartus. These strike aircraft are carrying Kinzhal’s and these hypersonic weapons can easily sink both the Ford and the Eisenhower that are currently stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Supporting Russia is the Chinese 44th Naval Task Force that has arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean to support both Russian and Chinese oil interests. This includes the destroyer Zibo, the frigate Jingzhou, and the integrated supply ship Qiandaohu.
In this scenario, we can never forget the words of Henry Kissinger — “To be an enemy of the United States is dangerous but to be a friend is fatal”
And Israel would be wise not to forget these words.
If a conflict breaks out between American, Chinese and Russian forces by error. The state of Israel will be annihilated and laid to waste. It can never be forgotten, that Israel has an “ironclad” defense alliance with the United States and if a conflict breaks out between these two belligerents. Russia will need to assume that the Israeli nuclear arsenal will be deployed against Russian naval assets in Syria.
In a conflict between Russia and the United States, Russian Aerospace Forces will need to immediately eliminate the Israeli nuclear threat. This is due to Jerusalem’s proximity to the Russian Naval Base in Tartus. And this is precisely why, Russian strike aircraft are currently deployed over the Black Sea; they are capable of carrying the nuclear-tipped Kinzhal. A 50-kiloton weapon that will end all the hopes and dreams of both Israelis and Palestinians alike.

There is no defense against these Weapons. Meaning, that Jerusalem and all Israeli command and control facilities will disappear in a cloud of vapour eighty thousand feet into the sky — and Israel will cease to exist. Make no mistake, this is the fate that awaits the holy land.
Of course, many do not understand the logic behind these American tactics. It is very simple, nuclear weapons a very expensive to procure and maintain. In a high-intensity combined arms nuclear war, any alliance with the United States is a death sentence.
The only objective for any American alliance is for Russia to expend its nuclear arsenal on American allies rather than American cities and military assets. In fact, this is the way American military planners view their alliances: For every nuclear weapon used against Finland, Germany or Israel; there is one less nuclear weapon that can be used on Colorado Springs or San Francisco.
In the end, any NATO-American alliance is a dose of cyanide for the nation-state in question — especially Israel.
American Disintegration and Loss of Military Supremacy
For many Americans, this next topic will be difficult to understand. NATO-American interests are collapsing — both economically and militarily. From this moment forward, any new European security frameworks will need to be redefined with Russia — the new European regional power.
We need to accept the reality that Russia has military supremacy in Europe (and thereby) has control over life or death in the Neo-Westphalian system.
As for the United States, most of its major cities are collapsing into chaos and crime. Although much is written about this topic in the States, it rarely receives any attention from people outside of mainland America.
Washington is desperately trying to right the hegemonic ship before it rolls over and sinks. To meet this end, Washington has declared war on the world and anyone who stands against the American Empire.
Including its own citizens.
That is precisely why Americans are experiencing extreme information warfare; along with the desperate attempts by the American government to change Americans perceptions of reality. Even American censorship has failed, and Americans are starting to look upon Washington with dread.
For the American people who are under the iron fist of Washington, American confusion is quickly turning into anger, and not only is Washington battling a lack of confidence within its institutions. Washington is at war with 3/4 of its own population as it condemns its own heartland to poverty, and simultaneously jails any political opposition to what’s left of a collapsing economy.
Washington stands alone at war with the world and its own people.
For the United States military, the depravity of the defense of western Ukraine was not only a military defeat. It was a showcase of NATO military incompetence in both tactical planning and unnecessary loss of life. Not only was NATO armor on fire on the steppes of Novorossiya. It was also a showcase of NATO division and a circus of incompetence that is beyond contestation.
With Russia’s current force ratios and attritional differential calculus. Make no mistake, if Russia had the political will; they would have the necessary force to push all the way to Paris, pushing aside any opposing forces as the Russian spearheads advance. And given this reality, Europe will soon be looking to the BRICS-11 for economic development as the United States simultaneously collapses into a black hole of derivative debt, and with it, Israel.
Israel is Already Defeated
Israel also has serious divisions within its society. In Israel, many Jewish citizens as well as Jewish diaspora condemn the bombing of innocent civilians. Whereas, in the Israeli government (in a sycophantic show of resolution) the Knesset has passed a law forbidding protest under penalty of death.
Not exactly the sign of a real healthy democracy
For the Russians, the Kremlin’s patience is wearing thin. Israel’s bombing of the airfields in Damascus and Aleppo has prompted Moscow to give Iran and Hezbollah the use of the Russian Air Cargo facilities in Hmeimim.
Pepe Escobar: “I guess we will see if Netanyahu has a death wish to challenge a fully A2/AD (anti-access/area denial) Russian Air Base”
Obviously Netanyahu never has and never will
We always need to remember that, “war is an extension of politics by other means”. In this case, Israel has lost the war in the temple and Israel’s brutal Apartide state has been pulled right out into the light kicking and screaming for all to see. For many that have only seen Israel through the false prism of the mainstream media; it is now seen for what it is — a brutal-oppressive state that makes Apartheid South Africa look tame in comparison.
And simply from a military and logistical view, Israel does not have the combined arms elements to wage a long and protracted conflict. Not only is the United States emptying its armories to lost causes. The United States is running low on most of its essential munitions. And even if Israel could wage a protracted campaign on murdering innocent civilians they would run out of stocks of bombs within months.
We can never forget, in the 2006 Lebanese War, Israel lost one Armored Division — striking a blow to Jewish xenophobia. For tanks to be effective they need to be supported by well-trained infantry that is not casualty-averse.
Let’s make this clear — the Israel-Jewish population is not casualty-averse.
Like American law enforcement, they loathe losses and are unable to sustain long-term fights. Policing actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are not high-intensity conflicts in urban combat. They are policing actions on a defenseless population. Israeli conscripts cannot win against a determined enemy and that is why the IDF was defeated in the Lebanese conflict in 2006.
One thing for sure, Washington’s blood lust is just getting started.
Three years ago, I predicted the defeat of Ukraine. And today, Israel will suffer the same fate. In the end, we can never forget the one fundamental truth of American foreign policy — “To be an enemy of the United States is dangerous but to be a friend is fatal”
It would be wise to never let the devil in the door
— Chris