By: Christopher Maffei
This is a fictional narrative of my perception of the pandemic…
To start with, strategic military balance is the driving force behind any geopolitical reality— not pandemics. Pandemics is simply a low-intensity tool to keep war below the nuclear threshold.
This being the case, for the last 24 months, the western world has had to endure the absurdity of a “synthetic pandemic”. Obviously, we know there is no pandemic due to the epidemiologic recovery rate. Additionally, connected to this farce, is extreme censorship across all social media platforms and all western governments. And quite frankly, even rationalizing this nonsense is a mockery and an insult to your intelligence. In fact, it’s fucking boring
Then the question becomes— why synthetic pandemics?

Very simply, in the last 36 months, both the Russian 1st Guards Tank Army and 20th Guards Combined Arms Army have been sitting quietly on the Caspian Steppe. Adding to these Russian deployments on their own territory within the last 6 months, the Russian general staff have sent a regiment of paratroopers to the Lithuanian border for drills with Belarus.
If these forces are given the order to proceed–the 1st Guards Tank Army will easly smash through the thinly held lines of the Ukrainian Army. The Russians would easly cross the Dnieper in force and then secure their eastern flank. Next, these armored divisions would move rapidly to link up with the Russian Airborne regiments on the Western border of Ukraine. With these force ratios, Russia will defeat Ukraine as both a political and military force within 48 hours.

Not losing the initiative, Russia may not stop in Ukraine…
As of this moment, The American U.S. Army’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division is in Poland. Like a nightmare, The Russian 20th Guards and 1st Guards Tank Army outnumber the Americans 6:1 in Infantry and 4:1 in tanks. It is even possible for Russia to reinforce with Chinese infantry as a reserve element.
If given the order to proceed, these formations would engage US forces and bring a humiliating defeat to the United States, or a humiliating withdrawal into Eastern Germany— likely the latter. There, both the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team and the 4th Infantry Division would regroup with the German Bundeswehr.
Of course, the Russians may not stop in Poland…
Although this scenario is much less likely, after the American defeat or withdrawal— this would leave the EU open to invasion. With only the Germans and Americans to stop them. It is my feeling the Russian advance would stop in Poland. However, If the Russians choose to advance into Germany. Russian forces would lose at least 40% of their Armor and infantry in their drive to the Atlantic. In the end, Russian armor would be at Antwerp within a week. In other words, the Russian forces staged on the Caspian Steppe have the potential to be to the ports of the Atlantic coast within a fortnight.
In the end, the picturesque German and Austrian countryside would be a nuclear nightmare. Bringing an end to NATO and the EU.

The only thing preventing this is Putin and the Russian general staff’s tender mercies.
NATO would be shown as an ineffectual force, incapable of defending itself. The main problem for American military planners is that the United States has been fighting low-intensity wars for the last 30 years. Correspondingly, American and European forces have not trained for combined-arms warfare since the late 1980s. In contrast, the Russians have been training for large battles of rapid movement since the early 2000s. The Americans can not compete with a conventional Russian military in a European theater at this point.
This ridiculous pandemic is nothing more than a way of organizing for war. The pandemic severely restricts travel, gives logic to extreme censorship, and then rationalizes tracking citizens for the future mobilization of the American Vassal States — without disclosing the real purposes as to why.
In other words, if you told the American or the European populations that you were organizing them for a war with China and or Russia. Western Society would reject it out of hand.
In the face of a Russian invasion, It’s important to understand that when the Western intelligence services arrive at your Parliament selling you the idea of synthetic pandemics– these people will come bearing gifts and money. Of course, EU leaders being self-centered maniacal maniacs will generally take the money without asking too many questions. These people, that are working with the myriad numbers of NGOs will make the false claim that they will be helping with the defense of their country if they cooperate. In reality, these intelligence services have no idea what the outcome of their security will be. And even if they did know– they will never tell these politicians anything.
If the Russians move off the Caspian steppe with the intent to advance through Europe. These politicians will get a dose of reality that goes far beyond pandemics and money, In fact, the Russians will have advanced through Austria and Germany well before mobilization of their citizens can occur. In the end, the false promises of western intelligence will never materialize. Instead, EU politicians will find themselves at the Gallows.

Do you think this war would end with Russian domination of Europe? Not quite.
In a secret agreement with Russia, the Chinese could start a theoretical Southeast Asian campaign— the moment Russian armor is advancing into Ukraine. This is critical for the Russian campaign due to the fact it will split American assets.
To start with, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has no experience with combined-arms warfare and will have to rely heavily on Russian tactics and leadership. In my view, the PLA needs to plan their access of advance through land routes only. This will take the US Navy out of the fight and commit the thinly stretched US Air Force to fighting these formations as they move. In one of the most likely scenarios, the PLA will fight through Southeast Asia and stop their axis of advance in Singapore. There, the PLA will control the Strait of Malacca. Then, regroup and refit. This will heavily restrict Australia’s ability to defend herself and Australia will most likely have to come to terms.
The attritional rate of both the US Air Force and Chinese Army will be catastrophic as the Chinese advance through Southeast Asia. Of course, this is only one scenario, there are many more.
Let me pose a question:
Given the fact, these Russian forces are sitting on the Caspian Steppe. And will (easily) smash right through into Germany. What do you think is more important? Organizing for the defense of Europe? Or indulging in the intelligence services synthetic pandemics? Do you really think this psychological warfare is really going to help the situation on the Caspian Steppe?
It should be completely obvious, that a synthetic pandemic can have the same effect for mobilizing the population— through censorship and restriction of travel, etc. This transparent and bizarre farce gives both American, Australian, and European politicians a false sense of security. European politicians have the false impression that restrictive actions regarding pandemic mythology are going to somehow help with their countries defense and security. It is a fools’ paradise.
In reality, if the Russians choose to move off the Caspian Steppe, both Austria and Germany will be overwhelmed in weeks. Bringing this pandemic mythology to an end, regardless. In fact, all of Europe is helpless without real military force. Low-intensity magical thinking by NATO intelligence will not help.
This is Tom Clancy’s vision of a combined-arms European battlefield:
“Alekseyev commandeered a new Mi-24 attack helicopter for his reconnaissance. Overhead, a flight of MiG-21 fighters guarded the General as the helicopter skimmed low over the treetops. He eschewed the seat, instead crouching by the windows to see what he could.
A lifetime of military service had not prepared him for the destruction that lay on the landscape below him. It seemed that every road held a burned-out tank or truck. The major crossroads had gotten particularly severe attention from NATO airpower. Here a bridge had been knocked out, and immediately behind it a company of tanks waiting its repair had been savaged.
The charred remains of aircraft, vehicles, and men had transformed the neat, picturesque German countryside into a junkyard of high-technology weapons. As they crossed the border into West Germany, things only got worse. Each road had been fought for, each tiny village. He counted eleven smashed tanks outside one such village and wondered how many others had been pulled off the battlefield for repair.
The town itself was almost totally destroyed by artillery and resulting fires. He saw only one building that looked like it might be habitable. Five kilometers west, the same story was repeated, and Alekseyev realized that a whole regiment of tanks had been lost in a ten-kilometer advance down a single road. He began to see NATO equipment, a German attack helicopter identifiable only from the tail rotor that stuck out from the circle of ashes, a few tanks, and infantry carriers.
For both sides, the proud vehicles manufactured at the greatest expense and skill were scattered on the landscape like trash thrown from a car window. The Soviets had more to expend, the General knew, but how many more?”
Any breakdown of security on this level would delegitimize the United States as the provider of energy security. War on this level would temporarily or permanently uncouple the US bond market from a World Reserve currency status.
The US needs to be honest with its population and mobilize to bring back the strategic balance. And most importantly end this NATO intelligence-driven “Synthetic Pandemic” This pandemic is obviously fraudulent, pathetic, and driving a collective schizophrenia within the western populations.
In fact, just these Russian divisions sitting on the Caspian Steppe is a slap in the face to American Foreign policy. It shows that any threats of sanctions are both ineffectual to China and Russia. It shows that Russia is indirectly controlling the situation at the same time the United States is paying for it.