By: Christopher Maffei
Given the fact, the probability of nuclear war is very high at this moment. The information you’re receiving in the western media has been severely distorted to reflect only a positive narrative. This is to calm the civilian populations to instill a positive morale for possible mobilization. The information that I’m communicating to you is based on both Russian and Defense Department news releases. From this, I will evaluate the current Russian Ukrainian campaign with the understanding that this information is only partially accurate.
To start with, there is a no-fly zone in Ukraine– And the Russians are enforcing it. If the 3rd Air Force attempts to challenge it they will be wiped out with heavy losses. Or to give a clear understanding of the effectiveness of Russian air defense. If the Russian Air Force challenged their own air defenses — these aircraft would be wiped out as well.

Currently, the Russian ground campaign has been moving slowly due to humanitarian reasons.
When this tactic was clear, the Ukrainian Azov Battalions quickly redeployed their heavy weapons within their own civilian populations essentially holding civilians hostage. A pointless tactic due to the fact that the war is already lost. However, extremists within Azov will most likely execute anyone that leaves their post for desertion. Or Azov leadership may be circulating the false belief, NATO will establish a no-fly zone and resupply them with provisions — a fantasy
And Yes, these are desperate men, they are self-declared Nazis and when the Russian army finally catches up with them: “no quarter” will be given.
This, of course, has given Western media time to launch a strong state-controlled disinformation campaign against both the Russian leadership and Russia as a nation-state.
Both, myself and Andrei Martyanov, have correctly labeled the Western “news reports” as pure fiction. This is due to the fact that a state of war exists between Russia and the United States at this very moment. Given this reality, state control of the media will be a given on both sides.
Now we come to foreign fighters entering through Poland to help the Azov Battalions. This vaunted group of men and women that are looking for glory, history channel deals, and bestselling books; met with the cold realization that if they entered the Ukrainian frontier — the Russian Army was going to simply hunt these narcissists down and reject their enemy combatant status. Meaning, that the Geneva conventions would not apply to these individuals.
In fact, Major General Igor simply gave these future best-selling authors a very warm welcome when they came through the frontier — Russia says it has killed 180 foreign fighters in Ukraine.
Former Reagan Cabinet, Paul Craig Roberts—
“It would have been so much better for Russia and for our chances of avoiding nuclear war if Russia had demonstrated intimidating power that would have made Europe too fearful to continue enabling Washington’s provocations of Russia. Instead, we are to have another provocation before the Kremlin can deal with the one at hand.
Will the Kremlin and the Russian people ever understand that what they face is a war of annihilation? Unless this war is discouraged at an early stage, it will end in nuclear Armageddon. When we have Republican senators such as Lindsey Graham supporting Biden’s de facto war against Russia and calling for Russian generals to shoot Putin in the head, we can see how easily the blind and ignorant hatred of Russians that the West has succeeded in creating can easily defeat reason and destroy the world.
Ukraine was an opportunity for Russia to discourage provocations that will eventually end in World War III. The Kremlin let the opportunity pass. Now the Kremlin will be provoked again in Georgia and then again in Finland, and then again, and again”
As Russia will never be loved, she and world peace would be well served if she were feared.