The War That is Sadly Ending in a Nuclear Conflict
By: Christopher Maffei
Being that I live in St. Petersburg for a portion of the year, I had the opportunity to interview a source within the Wagner Group about the conflict in Ukraine. This is the first in a series of interviews that will conclude in February.
This is an excerpt from that interview:
On the evening of November 14th, 2022, the Russian Air Force made a preemptive raid on a foreign mercenary assembly area west of Kherson city.
On this cold November night, three Su-25s swept in low over the tree tops heading to a Polish reserve element of 60 strong. The 25s were carrying phosphorus ordinance with proximity detonators. Flying just above the treetops at full throttle, dispensing flares—the Russian pilots pulled back on the yokes and released their bombs.
Within seconds after dropping, the annular firing condenser within the bombs received its electrical charges. At that moment, the bombs burst over an area of land occupying the Polish Infantry. Within 20 seconds, a dispersion of phosphorus rained over the doomed men.
Sadly there was nowhere for these Poles to run.
As the panicked infantry (running in all directions) came into contact with the super-heated chemicals raining to the ground. I was told, the ammunition the Poles were wearing, exploded, along with the ordnance all around them. Within 90 seconds an entire Ukrainian reserve element was wiped out. The secondary explosions within the assembly area could be heard echoing in the distance for up to 20 km away.
For the Russians, the sortie wasn’t free of charge, one Su-25 limped away trailing smoke, and the other two 25s broke away clean. The Strelas chasing the 25s fell short to flares.
Many things in life are not guaranteed. But what is guaranteed for these young Poles, there is not going to be medical evacuation to a state-of-the-art trauma center somewhere in Germany. For these men, there is only one beginning and one end– the line of contact.
And from that line, we need to honor these men and recognize Russia’s security concerns, de-escalate immediately, and stop the violence. The only problem is, that there are very few western journalists left to say why. In fact, many American journalists have (once again) become echo chambers for more American military disasters― and Ukraine is no exception.
In the past, many of these writers have led Americans down the primrose paths in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and now in the Donbass. Western journalists are unwittingly doing the bidding of the American security state decade after decade.
As a former Marine looking at this combined arms battlefield from some distance. It is crystal clear there is no chance of a Russian defeat. The Russian war with Ukraine is a real combined arms conflict with a casualty rate of between 500 to 1000 men a day. To put this into perspective, in the Vietnam War the casualty rate was approximately 200 a week.
But for the typical Washington adherent, let’s (stop) and invert reality―
Let’s assume Russia was on the precipice of defeat in Ukraine. What does that mean for the average American walking along the streets in NYC? Russian defeat means nuclear war and the end of America. Why?
If Russia were defeated that would mean the Americans could deploy the Dark Eagle system right to the Sumy Oblast, right on the Russian frontier. Meaning, the flight time for the Dark Eagle hypersonic glide vehicle would not even be 8 minutes to Moscow. For the average Muscovite, there would be no warning at all if it were deployed in the Sumy.

I can promise you this, not one politician in the Russian Duma will accept this situation. And the Russian people will back the defense establishment 110%. It doesn’t matter how many men the Russians have to mobilize. The fact is, Russians have 25 million more to pull from.
Because of this, It will be a nuclear war before Russia accepts defeat in any form. In fact, any LRHWs or weapon systems with similar capabilities will never have the chance to make it to the Ukrainian-Russian frontier.
Now let’s dispel the holy horseshit myth of any policies regarding “escalate to de-escalate” And why this thinking is―dead wrong. Or any idea that nuclear weapons can be used in a limited way to win a war with Russia.
Without any exception, if a single nuclear weapon lands on Russian territory—all of the Russian hydrogen-tipped weapons will fly. This will mean the complete annihilation of the United States.
And I know what most of you are thinking: this can’t be true, cooler heads must prevail and it would never come to that.
…The Russians deploy what is called the “dead hand system” which guarantees “mutually assured destruction” and prevents (what is called) an American “decapitation strike” from weapons like “Dark Eagle”. This means the use of nuclear weapons is meaningless and “escalate to de-escalate” is also meaningless. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia will elicit a response from Moscow that is completely automatic and total.
I keep thinking to myself: I hope the folks over at the war college don’t think nuclear weapons are any solution to the problem at hand.
Russia’s retaliatory response is completely automatic and America will simply disappear in a cloud of vapor―along with the UK. As we all know the Topol-M is undefeatable. This is due to the fact that the SS-27 has a low trajectory, the speed is Mach 22, and the system’s random re-entry makes any intercept solution impossible. And the idea of winning any nuclear conflict is ostensibly wishful thinking for Strangelovian academics that have not served one day in uniform.
Like all wars, this conflict will soon come to an end. Ukraine has no chance of winning―and this is not my opinion.
Recently, In an interview with the Economist, General Valery Zaluzhny, head of Ukraine’s armed forces said, (paraphrasing)
“Yes, I can win the war, I just need 300 tanks, 500 infantry fighting vehicles, 500 artillery pieces, and virtually unlimited ordinance”
What Zaluzhny is saying, he needs an Army―that does not exist.
NATO has nothing to give. This is because the tactical attrition on the line of contact has drained everything in NATO. There is nothing more in NATO’s armories.
But what does Russia really want? Russia’s overall objective is to get out of the western system. And most importantly, Russia no longer wants to settle its energy payments in dollars. The SMO in Ukraine will be the key to separating the West from OPEC+ and BRICS+. That is precisely why the Russian war in Ukraine is called a (Special Military Operation)
The sanctions simply give the Russian leadership the justification they need to separate the Russian population from the West. If the sanctions were not in place, Vladimir Putin couldn’t separate the Western economies from Russia. Otherwise, he would be fighting the Atlantis’s Integrationists from here to eternity. And uncoincidentally the military operation in Ukraine has brought these Russians to heel.
Good riddance.
On the other hand, what if you want to buy Russian petroleum products? Great! (But) you will have to pay for it within the BRICS currencies. And you will have to use their payment system (SPFS). That is the overall objective.
History will show the end of the American Empire as the evacuation of Afghanistan as well as the unceremonious abandonment of the dollar as the World Reserve currency. Unfortunately, the American people will slowly descend into poverty. Until the whole rotten edifice comes collapsing down.