Perrin Lovett: Drawing Blood; The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

I had just written an ordinary article about several elections, including that of the coming US spectacle this fall—of which I remain characteristically dismissive. Then, on Saturday, all hell broke loose in Pennsylvania. I still stand by my previous observations, which are appended hereto. But something changed at Trump’s ill-fated rally.

I’m unsure if trying to impress Jodie Foster is still a thing, though I suppose the lone wolf nut explanation is possible if unlikely. There’s the sense of a flag at work. If the shooter, commercial actor Thomas Matthew Crooks, really did act independently, then it is highly likely someone jumped on his organic actions for nefarious purposes, a “green” flag. It’s far more likely the event was some form of a false flag, and while certain parties stand out, their exact motives do not. Part of me was expecting something like a statement that the shooter was an Iranian terrorist, financed by China, trained by Russia, and let’s get your sons and daughters to the draft office. That might have been too obvious.

The US media machine immediately swung into action, stoking fear, uncertainty, and falsehoods. Vox ran a Zack Beauchamp article subtitled: “The attempt on Donald Trump’s life has put the republic in peril.” He also wrote, “We should all be terrified about what comes next.” Of course, we should. Fear, fear, fear. Representing American “democracy” or “the republic” as being at risk is popular, but misplaced. The last vestige of Republican America (United or Confederate) ended when Commander Waddell surrendered the CSS Shenandoah at Liverpool on November 6, 1865. The American Empire was, around that time, ushered into being, at first dedicated mostly to domestic oppression, though, in time, spreading its evil globally. However one looks at the monstrosity, one should admit it is near its absolute end, which might explain why the wicked elites who control the US are now utterly desperate. 

Outside perspectives on US affairs are oftentimes helpful. Professor Alexander Dugin correctly called the probable designs behind this latest lethal atrocity:

“The assassination attempt on Trump was quite predictable. There is no doubt that everything is organized by the globalists with the backing of the part of the Deep State that supports them. The only way to keep the mad grandfather in power is to kill Trump, who otherwise would almost certainly win under the circumstances. The shooter was eliminated just after finishing his shoots by a secret service sniper to make ends meet. Essentially, there was an attempted coup d’état in the US.” 

Dugin is a bit more optimistic about Trump than I am, but he is right that the liberal globalists hate Trump. And it is possible a second Trump presidency, if possible, could be a painful thorn in their collective side. I also suggest this was the latest in a series of attempted or realized coups in the US, the last one happening during and after the 2020 election. 

America is a terminally broken nation with a broken political system. Chairman of the Russian Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, commented on the long-standing turmoil behind the attempt on Trump’s life. Previously, Volodin came right out and said, “The American political system is literally dead.”

It is, in fact, dead, but the “dead souls” who killed it are still running the corpse around, pretending they still rule over a viable state capable of dominating the world. They are evil and crazy enough to do something like attempt to wage war on Russia, China, and Iran at the same time. At some level, they know that’s a war they could never win, but they don’t care. They’d be content to burn it all down. So any hope that Trump might slow, temper, or defeat their plans is admirable. The problem, again, is that we do not know their exact plans. The prevailing wisdom is that whether he’s alive and competent or not, they can use Sleepy, Creepy Joe to do their bidding. At the same time, everyone on Earth knows Joe isn’t even 5% mentally present. 

With the underlying system collapsed and smoking, actual leadership from the politicians probably doesn’t matter, though it appears the presentation or image (or mirage) does. They could have a scheme to let Trump return to office, riding a wave of angry popular support. Then, they could sideline or ignore him (or try) and proceed with their wickedness. Think about how Trump ordered imperial troops out of Syria, only for them to remain and grow in number and misdeed. And a population whipped into a frenzy might be easier to lure into that final unwinnable war; Trump could potentially be forced to go along to support the perceived desires of the people. That scenario could backfire horribly on the elites, and, if it ever happened, then let’s hope it does.

Little is known for certain at the moment, and that is unlikely to change in the near future. Regardless, some great gamble is in play. I have the feeling someone is, one way or another, trying to galvanize the American public for some purpose. Whether or not, and whether there’s any base steel left to galvanize, remains to be seen. What we can do now is wait, watch, pray, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

And, do recall…

The House Always Wins At The Neoliberal Casino

Several people I know like casinos and allege that gambling houses are fun. If so, then I question why the management of such places relies on free or low-cost intoxicants, constant noise, flashing lights, and shiny, moving objects. It’s almost like they’ve created an immersive experience, akin to being inside a television, designed to hypnotize patrons and trick them into parting with large sums of money. Personally, I’d rather be locked in a cookie jar with Victoria Nuland. There’s no doubt that large sums of money are parted with. Gamblers score here and there, but overall, the owners of the casinos win most of the time. Otherwise, they’d go out of business. Politics, especially as played in the neoliberal, globalist, pagan West, is much the same.

United Kingdom

If I’m not mistaken, the UK recently had four Prime Ministers in as many years, but with no elections. I suppose this reflects on the wondrous virtues of the rule of law, the rules-based order of a great democracy. All four forgettable PMs were Tories who maintained a near-continuous policy of wrecking what’s left of England. Now, finally getting a chance to vote, and reasonably kicking the idiot conservatives out of power, Britons will likely see no substantial positive changes. Concerning NATO’s war of aggression against Russia, there is a detectable current of thought that the ordinary English want nothing to do with it. Accordingly, their latest Labour loser wasted no time in vowing to stay the disastrous course regarding Ukraine, Russia, and slavish obedience to Washington. A small bone was given to Britons of conscience when Mr. Starmer alluded he would terminate the standing Tory objections to the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for a certain war criminal who likes to make short, angry videos where he repeatedly, indignantly huffs, “outrageous!” and “inconceivable!” 

Overall, the UK will continue to slide deeper into irrelevance and oblivion. No party anywhere near the wheels of power in London cares much for the troubles of the English people. Almost the entire government is corrupt and beholden to forces that hate the English as much as they hate the Russians. Maybe some British voters still claim the process is fun, but one wonders if they really want to survive as a people.


Like the UK, France is in dire straits. For a day or a week, it looked like the French were about to rise up and attempt to reclaim their country. On the heels of losing EU Parliamentary elections to the populist right, Macron took his own gamble with snap national elections. He also used every Machiallevian machination at his disposal to tilt as many individual contests as possible away from National Rally/Le Pen victories. It worked, at least, at the polls. He bargained hard for a loose coalition between his center-left and the further left. It remains to be seen if Paris is governable with the resulting three-ish-way hodgepodge in the Assemblée Nationale. The harder left has demanded France recognize Palestine as a sovereign and independent state. That’s good, but one wonders if they really mean it and if they happen to feel the same way about France. They might, as they’re also demanding an end to France’s potentially suicidal position behind the US against Russia. Of course, at the moment these are just words. Most politicians, left, right, and center, are always full of words … and something else.

On closer inspection, one might notice that despite being left-leaning, as opposed to the UK’s previous conservative stance, France has essentially had the same kinds of insane policies as the UK. In truth, the false left-right divide is and has been just another factional trap. And it appears that like everything else arising from the Enlightenment, the very idea of modern/postmodern democracy is a malicious hoax. The people keep voting, gambling, and having fun, but the policies of the governments never change for the better. In the long run, the people almost always get the opposite of what they want and need. Practical politics aside, the same powers that control London control Paris and all other Western capitals. The last thing those powers want is anything that will benefit their captive hosts.

United States

Nowhere is the fake left-right paradigm more evident than in Washington. The US is nominally ruled by a uniparty, the protestations of some politicians and their supporters notwithstanding. They might as well revert to the 18th Century’s Democratic-Republican party. It’s not a perfect assessment, but one can imagine they divided into a duopoly just to fend off competition with the false premise of two separate, competing parties. The duopoly exists, and it does squelch all opposition. And since around 1980, or 1963, maybe even earlier, the whole show has been just that—an entertaining game designed to conceal the fact that Americans are ruled over by an unelected, hostile, satanic elite. 

Americans, most of them, still have problems with that reality. John F. Kennedy was the last President who acted like he was truly in charge of the executive office. Jimmy Carter may have been the last man who truly cared about the people. All the while, from the tenures of Johnson to Brandon, the people never seem to notice that regardless of how many times they switch sides of the duopoly, in the White House or Congress, nothing changes. 

In his 1971 essay, American Civilization, Julius Evola wrote, “The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, ‘l think, therefore I am’: Americans do not think, yet they are. The American ‘mind’, puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardization.” Such people were made for the self-defeating charade of democracy. Right now, they’re gearing up for another fake, rigged election between two of the worst possible non-choices imaginable. Maybe they’re having fun, but I’m with Russian President Putin and his well-founded idea that American Presidents do not control anything and that their selection is essentially immaterial. 

Americans also cannot bear the notion that someone rules over them or that anyone in any capacity controls their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Yet many of them literally live in mortal fear of certain words and the wicked, retarded thoughts of people who hate them. Americans are brainwashed, governed, and censored by, and, in some cases, self-censored because of third-rate lies and weak rhetorical word spells like those in this 2009 guide. (Before Killary denigrated the “deplorables,” someone had it out for the “persuadables”.) I was tempted to refute some of the core principles from the guide, or, at least, demonstrate how the past 15 years have utterly disproven them, but there’s no point. In general, Americans are like flies determined to get to that beautiful, humming, glowing bug zapper. Who am I to try stopping them?


Finally, we come to a country with a government that works and works for the people. It occurred to me that Iran is the Islamic version of the Venetian Republic, a sensible balance of noble monarchy and curated democracy, but without the major pitfalls that ultimately doomed Venice, namely the desire for an empire and a privatized central bank. Congratulations to President-elect Pezeshkian. 

As with all things Persia, the Western media and intel agencies did not know what to make of Iran’s latest election. So, as with all things, they issued a series of nearly incomprehensible babblings. I read exactly one of their appraisals, which isn’t worth citing or quoting. It cautiously, fantastically hailed Pezeshkian as the reformer who might usher in a golden age of Iran being dominated by the West. The author gibbered about Iran’s broken economy, which I suppose means its relative lack of usury for profit (riba), its integration into the BRICS+ juggernaut, and its positioning to become the industrial powerhouse of West Asia. He also mentioned Iran’s nuclear program, which he doesn’t understand, and which will not be affected by the change of any single politician. Okay, one quote: Iran’s “hated morality police.” If my information is accurate, then this is very similar to Iran’s “hated purple unicorn,” i.e., it’s a boogeyman that does not exist. There was also a palpable sense that the West, via the one author, deeply fears Iran won’t embrace Western degeneracy and that it will keep embracing its proud traditions and multipolar sovereignty. Judging by preliminary statements from and well-wishes to Dr. Pezeshkian, those fears are well grounded. هورا!

Moving On

The Great Bifurcation is happening and there appears to be no stopping it. That is excellent news for the global majority who now live or who will soon live in a cordial interlinked but independent series of nations not controlled by lunatics, morons, and devil worshipers. Those who remain trapped in dying Western countries will increasingly be viewed by their elites as slaves, cannon fodder, and persuadable useful idiots whose only purpose is to serve and be hated by the elites. As time passes, and the slaves have it harder, they will slowly awaken, with Americans probably being the last to do so. 

Going forward, it is critical to rethink, discuss, and dismiss counterfeit concepts like democracy, free speech, free lunches, empire, exceptionalism, financial capitalism, and anything that is anti-traditional, anti-human, and, especially, anti-God. The conventional solutions for all such forgeries are as plentiful as the number of nations around the world—the beauty of multipolarity. As for overarching concepts of state and politics, if one’s government isn’t routinely attacked by the clown West as an authoritarian dictatorship or some similar derision, then one may have a problem. If so, then let the owners go out of business. In fact, help them when possible. Playing games in a rigged casino, voting in a rigged system, and magic word games will not solve this potential problem. Faith, intelligence, and action will. 

Deo vindice.