In May of this year, General Scott Berrier testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee and what he made clear was honest and straightforward:
‘the threat landscape is exponentially more dangerous than it was in 1984 (…) We are now in a multipolar world with strategic competition at the forefront’
But what is he really saying?
As much as these jackals try to keep these meetings in ‘closed sessions’. There still needs to be a level of candor in the unclassified meetings to give enough leeway to save one’s own ass in the future. That is precisely why we hear tacit admissions from generals in ‘open sessions’.
Therefore, what Berrier really means is that the United States no longer holds the title of the global hegemon. And what the Senate really needs to do is get used to the new American reality and adjust its policies to align with the collapsing American Imperium. In fact, by saying that you are no longer in a unipolar world (but rather) a multipolar one; what you are really saying is that the Wolfowitz doctrine has failed and that the NATO defense doctrine that was built up around Wolfowitz is dead.
Meaning the United States is in a theoretical state of defeat.
‘The threat landscape is exponentially more dangerous than it was in 1984’
Why is the General saying this?
It means the probability of a nuclear conflict is extremely high at this point. This is because NATO no longer has the combined arms resources to credibly defend Europe. Nor does America have the ability to resupply a high-intensity conflict on the European continent.
Also testifying in the meetings was the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines. In her opening statement, she factually quipped,
(paraphrasing) ‘Russia most likely calculates that — time — will be in its favor (…) and that time will be its best pathway for securing its strategic objectives‘
When I wrote about this in November, the tactic of attrition was clearly evident within Russia’s strategy on the Don. It has shown that the United States is incapable of ending this conflict either with sanctions or military force. The longer this pointless war is extended — the more feckless and incompetent the American military is perceived. The Russian tactic of attrition brings more and more countries into the BRICS and delegitimizes the United States in the eyes of the fence-sitters.
And as Senator Jack Reed made clear in the same meeting,
‘China could win without fighting (…) if we do not adapt our approach to compete more effectively the United States risks seeding strategic and political influence by preparing for a war that never happens’
What Washington needs to accept is time is not going to run out at some future date. Time has already run its course. Fighting a war with both China and Russia will end the same as Korea, Vietnam, and all the wars proceeding them — all of the Americans run out of the country and defeated
Accept this time, there will be no more second-chance defeats — it will be America’s last.
— Chris