Christopher Maffei: Washington is Close to Making a ‘Fatal’ Miscalculation

On June 12th, the Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov steams through the clear waters off the Cuban coast; she is accompanied by the Kazan (a Yassen). And they are not alone, most likely in the North, the Orel (an Oscar) has been quietly hovering in deep water off the Atlantic Coast with her sister ship the Smolensk.

For the Smolensk and her crew, she has been running deep off the Norfolk shelf; and I would even bet a Poseidon overflew her earlier in the morning but missed her. At 250m below the sea, the crew of 97 is eating a comfortable breakfast of Syrniki before the crew’s next shift.

For this Russian crew eating breakfast so close to the American East Coast they are unaware of the crisis that is building through the darkness. Yet, this crew knows precisely why they are there and will carry out their duties without hesitation.

In other words, Lucifer’s Hammer is hanging over Washington’s head.

But of course, the presence of these Russian naval assets is in response to the June 5th, statement by President Biden authorizing missile strikes (inside) Russian territory. And never forgetting Biden’s statement comes right on the heels of Sergey Ryabkov’s warning,

‘I’d like to warn American actors against miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences. For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face,’ Ryabkov told journalists.

What is becoming painfully obvious to everyone, is that as time moves forward, the myth of American National Security is being broken and as we move from one nuclear crisis to the next, the danger of nuclear conflict is being adulterated. In the minds of an average citizen, it no longer feels like a crisis, it feels like normality, when in reality we are close to the end of civilized humanity.

Keeping this in mind, any strike against the American mainland will be a fatality to the American ego and the myth of American in-vulnerability will be broken. And given the psychology of American exceptionalism (and if Washington is not a smoking hole in the ground) the Senators will be storming up and down the Halls calling for escalation and the end of the world.

The Russians, however, have been extremely patient; tolerating everything from explosive drones over Moscow to terrorist attacks at their concert venues. Adding to this, the escalation between the two belligerence has changed once again. Recently, Ukraine has used American missiles to strike the components of the Russian nuclear deterrent— and what many do not understand, this event could have triggered a response from Russia and that’s precisely what the United States wanted.

Right now Russia is winning, if they overreact it will turn into defeat for both sides. In other words, Washington is filled with madmen with nothing to lose.

Even worse, if Russia properly deduces that American genocidal tendencies belie an internal desperation to save the current order from collapse. Russia may believe that nuclear conflict is inevitable and they will need to strike first or lose the element of surprise. Although this scenario is highly unlikely; if Washington’s genocidal policies do not change this could be the inevitable outcome for the United States.

In Novorossiya, the Russian tactics of attrition have been very carefully designed by the Russian Ministry of Defense to deflate the global perception of American military supremacy. For Russia and China, this will be necessary to forward the ambitions of the Belton Road initiative and to replace the American World Reserve Currency system.

By keeping the war static on the Dombass, it becomes a showcase of American military incompetence. From the Congressional insistence on bringing both American and German armor to be destroyed on the line of contact to the following exhibitions of burnt-out Abrams and Leopards being displayed in Moscow, It demonstrates that the United States no longer has the right to have a preeminent position in the global economy.

The objective is to Dethrone the United States of America in a way that keeps the conflict below the nuclear threshold. Not only is the United States being defeated on the battlefield they are experiencing one of the lowest sentiments of patriotism in its history. Military recruitment goals have fallen well below expectations and Washington has just passed a bill that would automatically register men 18-26 for conscription. Russia understands that any draft legislation will be extraordinarily unpopular with the American people and this will drive internal dissent against Washington’s inverted totalitarian structures to the maximum.

This comes to the final point, Washington is its own worst enemy. In January, Anthony Blinken made a very poignant comment about himself at Davos,

‘When you’re walking through hell the best thing to do is keep going’

These are not the words of a man whose confidence in America is glowing. The fact is, that the United States of America is in a deep existential crisis, and every foreign policy decision in Washington has had the opposite effect for the country. Many in Washington view this crisis as some sort of theater, where America always wins in the end, where American leadership subconsciously retreats into a dreamlike state of some farcical Hollywood production. Where much like Plato’s Cave, American children on TikTok create monuments to themselves and retreat into flickering images on small glass screens.

Existing in this dreamlike state, many American people make important decisions for themselves, including military ones. For example, aircraft carriers should have been scrapped long ago and the A-10 should have been taken to the trash heap, yet they remain.

As for foreign policy decisions, Washington should do nothing. Every decision made has the opposite effect. Americans need to learn how to manage their collapse so they come out the other end of it with some sort of semblance of order and economic prosperity.


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