Christopher Maffei: The Hegemon’s Last Swan Song

The US is close to making a ‘fatal’ miscalculation in its attempts to deal with Russia and the Ukraine conflict ” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned


“History always emphasizes terminal events” Albert Speer observed mournfully to his American interrogators just after the end of the last World War. Yet, Speer and his American captors had no way of knowing that their fates would be inextricably linked 80 years from then.

Much like then as today, Americans and the Europeans are unaware of the distorted logic in which they have allowed themselves to become ensnared. From the insouciance of an incompetent neoliberal class to the suffering of the urban and rural poor, Americans have been trapped between the terrifying reality of cause and effect. And on the eve of nuclear conflict, they remain blissful and unconcerned.

Still, to stave off financial and military disaster, Washington has escalated the war in Ukraine. This is finding expression through Vladimir Zielinski, who has managed to manacle the Ukrainian nation to him with fear and false promises of unlimited American support.

“As long as we support Ukraine with the weapons they need and economic support they will fight to the last man” Lindsey Graham said in a gesture of criminal folly. For so cold a man, so alien to any sort of humanity it’s fitting that his constituents’ forefathers were the principal beneficiaries of the institution of slavery.

We can never forget that extremes of human suffering can bring out the worst and best in human nature. However, the Americans, weak and faced with their own dissolution have chosen self-annihilation.

“We may go down, but we will take a world with us” Hitler said on New Year’s Day 1945, and, much like the dissolution of the Third Reich, the collapse of the American system mimics the pathologies of a people in defeat. Pathologies of self-destruction and collective suicide find expression in risking nuclear conflict. For the pitiless Graham, damn the torpedoes—full speed ahead!

The Ukrainian Battlefield

On the Don Steppe, decisive defeat is a forgone conclusion for both the Americans and their hapless Ukrainian allies. By now, most members of the Ukrainian National Army must have certainly deduced they were to be thrown senselessly into battle for some symbolic purpose. These conscripts, who have trudged through bleak, snow-covered landscapes have done so without any idea of purpose or direction and many are surrendering en masse.

Meanwhile, as American and Ukrainian leaders are scheming among themselves, the Aveedvka and Ostcheretyne fronts have completely collapsed, as I and others had predicted. This was followed by the Battle of Ychassiw Jar. Here, the Russians are gaining a foothold on the right bank of an artificial channel. This battle is to gain access to the heights just west of Ychassiw Jar; most likely for Russian artillery systems.

In Charkiv, a large Russian formation has assembled to the north. This force is comprised of approximately 400 main battle tanks, 1,000 artillery systems, and 1,100 APCs, and this element is supported by 600 aircraft. In short order, this force gained a foothold to the north of Charkiv and drew the Ukrainian reserve elements into the fight. These are tactics of attrition that I alluded to in November 2022 and the War is now moving into phase 7 – most likely a summer offensive.

NATO Forces Entering Western Ukraine?

A superpower collapse on this scale has never before been seen in history. The American and NATO failures are so immense they seem to have an opaque translucency within society and any decision that Washington makes simply helps with Russian objectives.

To help speed this self-annihilation along, French and Estonian politicians want to send troops into western Ukraine. And, much like NATO, this false unity of loyalty cloaks these adherent functionaries with virtually no military experience aside from their fleeting glimpses of flickering military images through small glass screens. Obsessed with the cult of the self they get lost in their lives of inconsequence and are deeply manipulated by the intelligence services.

On 28 May 2024, French President Macron said he permitted Ukraine to use SCALP missiles to strike targets inside Russia. In response, the Russians started drilling for nuclear conflict in the Southern military district. It can never be forgotten, if the French strike targets inside Russia, then Russia has every legal right to strike targets in France. Adding to this, in a massively destabilizing act, the French president signaled that he was going to send French troops into Western Ukraine, and given the current attritional calculus of the loss of one regiment a day, the French contingent would be hunted down and wiped out in a fortnight. This applies to any NATO force that arrives on the Don.

The Foggy Bottom Suicide Pill

Moving from one moral panic to the next, whether it’s the pandemic, the Russo-Ukrainian War or the genocide in Gaza; the threat of nuclear conflict is being cleverly obscured. To meet this end, the media is filled with a bizarre mix of contradictory information that obscures individual human perceptions. This is to keep the Western neoliberal populations in a perpetual state of insouciance, crisis, and confusion. If this policy of misinformation is even partially successful, this Western counterinsurgency against its populations will allow the United States to continue to escalate a nuclear conflict past the culmination point, and once the culmination point is reached there is no return and nuclear conflict is a foregone conclusion.

The source of nuclear conflict is the United States. It is a society in a deep internal crisis. Economically, the United States is approaching a state of hyperinflation due to the abandonment of the bond markets. Whereas Militarily, the United States is unable to fight a combined arms War, but rather, just a low-intensity conflict. Politically, the United States of America is a deeply polarized society where the judiciary is being used to persecute political opponents and citizens who challenge the inverted totalitarian structures.

Therefore, Russia’s Grand strategy is to liberate itself from the American systems of finance as well as the balance of payments for global oil production. Or what is commonly known as the World Reserve Currency System. In this case, we have reached the culmination point, this system is being ditched and no amount of military force is going to stop this process of abandonment. This is precisely why we are witnessing vast tracts of homelessness and misery in America. As far as Russia and China are concerned, they want no part of this failing system.

Russia is giving Washington a choice: Accept our separation from your dying Empire or we all die in a nuclear holocaust.

The senseless slaughter of Palestinians that resulted from America’s outrageous vanity utterly belies Kissinger’s honesty, ‘”to be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”. The incompetence, the frenzied refusal to accept reality, and the inhumanity of the American regime will be revealed all too clearly in its passing.


To my mentor Anthony Beevor

Thanks to the myriad of censorship laws in the United States we will need to start to communicate through the deep web in the future.

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