Christopher Maffei: The Avenging Angel Of Western Christendom

Managing the Empire of Lies

By: Christopher Maffei

Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Chris Hedges points out, “the American system is a judicial burlesque– that has the appearance of the rule of law” and “it will exploit until exhaustion or collapse.” 

In the simplest of terms, America is not a democracy but a totalitarian dictatorship. The evidence of this can be broken down into two main follies. The first is a Princeton study that gives indisputable evidence that our democratic form of government is a simple facade. And the second is the suspension of due process which manifests itself in the judicial conviction rate.

Totalitarian: Meaning the suspension of the democratic process;

Dictatorship: Meaning the suspension of due process.

To start with, the people in the American congress do not care about any common-sense policies– even though they pretend they do. When they are not busy exploiting the narcissism of minor differences, they are in power to simply exploit and steal from their constituencies for their special interests. The primary mechanism in which this is done is your elected representatives simply steal borrowed money from the treasury.– give the money to their friends. What many don’t understand, this can only continue if America has superior military force. Without superior military force, there is no monetization of debt and no exploitation of the American people.

Also, it’s important to realize that this system of corruption and stealing can only function when debt monetization is uninterrupted. For the American system to function, it constantly needs to borrow money. And as long as the United States dollar still has World Reserve currency status. There is no need to help the American people with real-life problems. In the end, this will condemn the American people to poverty knowing full well that their population has nowhere else to go.

But wait, here comes Vladimir Putin to the rescue

And no, he is not perfect

Vladimir knows without American military supremacy, world reserve currency status is not possible. Vladimir also knows the inverted totalitarian nemesis that everyone in America labors under; will not be a possibility if the global community does not have the perception of its primacy.

Therefore in a bazaar twist of fate, the Russian and the average American’s interests are linked. Putin is inadvertently (or by design) destroying the very forces that are consciously collapsing American society. He is doing this by demonstrating the fecklessness of American military power through his campaign on the Caspian steppe. As this is happening, American influence is collapsing globally. Meaning the American World Reserve currency status is falling into question.

Vladimir understands as the United States is collapsing– he needs to manage the collapse in a way that avoids nuclear war. However, he’s probably coming to the conclusion this may be an impossibility.

Nevertheless, there is every sign that the world is moving on without the United States:

Saudis Using Yuan For Oil Exchange

Putin Demands ‘unfriendly countries’ Pay For Russian Gas In Rubles

Erdogan Says Turkey Plans To Buy More Russian S400 Systems

Turkey’s President Wishes To Maintain Friendly Ties With Russia

Hungary Has Requested An Increase In Natural Gas

Russian military Operating In Nicaragua?

China’s New Nicaragua Ties Give Beijing Another Footprint In Central America

Russia Threatens Military Deployment To The Caribbean Basin

French President Macron Calls For European ‘Strategic Autonomy’

For the most part, the world is moving on due to American military defeats. And to put the current military defeat into perspective Russia’s military budget is 62 billion vs a US military budget of 686 billion.

Despite this abhorrent disparity, not only can we not establish a no-fly zone in Ukraine– but we exited Afghanistan with a humiliating withdrawal. Even worse, we can not even defend Poland if Russia chooses to advance into Warsaw. And what can’t be hidden, America does not have the force ratios to stop the Russian advance into Germany.

(But) what a 680 billion dollar budget does seem to buy is a sh-t-talking media that is good at name-calling as well as telling fictional stories about ground combat in Ukraine - essentially stories for small children. Yet NATO is completely incapable of combined arms military operations.

What President Putin is stuck with is a collapsing world power that is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. Indeed, taking his ideology a step further, Vladimir believes the United States is a power that is populated with insouciant and morally bankrupt individuals– that are obsessed with issues revolving around human sexuality. Issues that Vladimir Putin will never understand due to his conservative Russian Orthodox background. That is precisely why a large minority of conservative Americans agree with Putin’s policies.

Nevertheless, the more President Putin uses military force within the Orthodox sphere of influence. He can safely communicate both directly-indirectly the fecklessness and weakness of American military power. It forces the American political classes to look inward. Rather than spending time on foreign policy issues that the dumbshit’s in the District of Columbia have no hope of controlling.

It is time for the American system to look inward and help its people. Especially given the fact America is looking at military defeat on the Caspian steppe.