United States Influence And Power Collapsing Globally—Precipitously

As the American population is struggling with the reality of internal collapse. American allies are abandoning their commitments to American foreign policy. In the face of this shocking shift, Russia and Sino power are rushing in to fill the void left in the wake of the American collapse.

In fact, The military alliance between Russia and the Sino axis is like nothing before in world history.

Combined with Russian strategic rocket forces and the vast-unending mobilization potential of the Chinese populations. NATO is a hollow paper tiger without legitimacy. And would be overrun and annihilated by this Sino-Russian Axis. This reality, of course, is not lost on the European states.

Evidence of the abandonment of American influence:

Erdogan says Turkey plans to buy more Russian S400 systems

Turkey’s president wishes to maintain friendly ties with Russia

Hungary has requested an increase in natural gas

Germany refuses weapons deliveries to Ukraine

Ukraine blames Germany for ‘blocking’ Nato weapons supply

Russian military operating in Nicaragua?

China’s New Nicaragua Ties Give Beijing Another Footprint In Central America

Russia threatens military deployment to the Caribbean Basin

French President Macron Calls For European ‘Strategic Autonomy’

Of course, this is just the shortlist…

…Given the class strife in the United States—mobilization of the American population will be impossible. China and Russia understand this reality and are quickly moving to fill the power vacuum left by the United States.

the American population blinded by American exceptionalism (are) blissfully unaware of this unfolding catastrophe.