Devin and Brooklynn Maffei: Victims of California Violence and Government Corruption

By: Christopher Maffei

There is no doubt― the entire American social and economic landscape is being ‘forcibly reverted’ to the conditions that existed prior to industrialization.

To start with, I have no apologies for trying to save my children from danger. I did everything I could to protect them. And I have no recognition of a system that would sanctify the harming of my children. Not now― not ever.

My children’s safety is my only concern as a father.

Before we start, we need to have a concept of where my children are today and the violent and brutal system they are subjected to, in general

Let’s not have any illusions about the California courts―it is a system of corruption and murder and like all American institutions, they are literally poison to anything they touch. Or as Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Chris Hedges points out, ‘the courts are a judicial burlesque– that have the appearance of the rule of law’ and ‘they will exploit until exhaustion or collapse.’

And quite frankly we are getting close to both.

And much like PT ‘freak shows’―the California system offers one bazaar distraction after another as the California government guns down innocent people of color and fleeces the rest.

In many ways, California is a place where the communal has no role and the concept of the common good has been obliterated. The courts within this system are managed by a compliant liberal class that adheres to the bazaar and simply rubber-stamps violent acts onto the urban and rural poor, wholesale.

As an overview, this is simply a case where my children were being abused by the mother, and my son was almost killed by her sister. More importantly, this is a case connected to the California courts where the legal system conspired to keep my children with abusive and dangerous people.

A case where my children’s civil rights were rendered meaningless to cover mistakes made by the California government. Additionally, there are mammoth efforts to suppress the truth to save the careers of the people involved in my children’s― sanctioned abuse

What we all must understand is that this brutality and corruption are normal in California. At the same time, California will espouse the opposite moral pretense. And unfortunately, this crap is sanctioned by the community through local journalists.

Historically, people perceive California culture through the eyes of local journalists as well as entertainment grifters. For example, if journalists in California come together and say, ‘life is teddy bears and rainbows’ Then that is how someone in Tokyo is going to perceive the state of California.

This is far from true.

Journalists in California have a predilection to support the inter-governmental system in its totality. Regardless of its brutality.


Like any person living in society, journalists need to believe that their children are going to safe schools and that they believe they are with moral people. When this kind of mythology is broken. Most journalists will build up the mythologies of an immoral society as quickly as possible so that they can live in a universe of what Plato would define― (as) light and shadows. In this way, Journalists can believe that their court system helps the California people and their writing reflects this myth.

The reality is far different. The California state courts are essentially a criminal enterprise that is sanctioned by the media.

Theoretically, if Russia and China were to win a war against the United States these people would be taken to ‘the gallows’ and hung for crimes against humanity, as in the Nuremberg example.

Honestly, what happened to my children in California is minor compared to the endless cases of corruption and murder within the California system. Corruption and murder that would rival anything in Apartheid South Africa. Beating citizens, false police reports, murder, rape, trafficking children, and corruption on a vast scale is completely normal for the government. Even the California prison system is managed by scoundrels. Where (children) are pitted against one another and beaten like animals by public officials.

In one recent case, within the state of California―there was a group of savages calling themselves the ‘Executioners’. This is a gaggle of state police―or a group of murdering maniacs that were randomly executing citizens.

Not only is murder, racism, and segregation condoned within US prisons as doctrine. American inmates are pitted against one another through the time-honored Institution of American Jim Crow segregation. Not only does this discrimination encourage inmate violence back onto the inmates themselves, but, it endangers the employees working within the prisons. This practice of internal institutional violence could be easily stopped. However, if the systems are not failing– the money will stop. This is a conflict of interest that can never be resolved.

In the face of this violence, you would think that judges or lawyers or any person (with even the slightest hint) of human decency would resign from this system of violence and brutality. We all must understand that we are no longer talking about normal moral people. We are talking about a nihilistic existential individual that is surrounded by social despair and the dehumanizing effects of economic and social collapse. In California, it does not matter if you’re wealthy, poor, a judge, a lawyer, or somewhere in the middle. You can’t remove yourself from the social anomie.

That is why the criminal justice system is de-humanistically cruel and the people can be the same. The cruelty far exceeds anything in East Germany during the cold war. In fact, you would probably want to live in Stasi Germany. At least there you wouldn’t freeze to death on the street ―absent of any social safety net.

In reality, we are witnessing a social collapse and the legal futility to try to help a system that has no hope of being salvaged.

That is the system that my children exist in today. Held like prisoners, in a system that is administered by murdering thugs.

For the most part, what I have seen in California is boutique activism where the people have a hypersensitivity to saving sheltered animals as their own people starve in the streets and die from exposure.

In other words, Californians live between a system of oligarchy and autocracy. Where they argue over the narcissism of minor differences. Meanwhile, people starve and die in the streets of a failed system.

This is the general state of affairs within California (before) I tried to save my children from an abusive mother. For my European audience, It’s difficult to identify with this situation within a post-European societal frame of reference. The two societies are not even close to being the same. On the one side, you have a society that is egalitarian, helpful, and kind. Then, in California, you have a society that is in social and economic collapse. As well as its ensuing politics of cultural despair, which Fritz Stern has made light of.

If you can view this system with any objectivity, California is not a safe place for children―both psychologically and physically, and reforms are unlikely if not impossible. The system is bankrupt and reforms just lead to further collapse. Californians retreat to fortified communities or leave for the imagined safety of the Texas Gulf Coast.

The rate of social change has been slow enough, that as economic conditions deteriorate people are surrounded by more social problems as well as the ‘politics of cultural despair. As the collapse starts to quicken, however, the brutality increases, and people tend to scapegoat the individual as the source of the problems.

For example, if a child is born into extreme poverty in California and then falls into drug addiction and crime. Rather than the Californian citizen rallying to help the individual as Norway would do. The California government blames the individual. In this way, the collapsing society is held harmless and poverty is never addressed in any meaningful way. Consequently, the (individual) victim that is born into a society of extreme poverty (to no fault to his own) can be held to account for their failed society.

This is a constant theme within California and America in general.

This effect can be seen in the media. You can hear it in America’s attitudes–- ‘Schadenfreude‘ literally cheering for death. In the final outcome, the (individual) is held to account for society’s ills. Serious social and structural problems are never addressed.

Dostoevsky said, ‘A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals.’ Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Chris Hedges gives us a small glimpse into American prisons in his book, ‘Our Class’

The stench of feces and urine filled the tiny cell. He was locked in for twenty-three hours a day. The noise of the voices reverberating off the walls and down the corridors was deafening and constant. The cell was infested with mice. The meals were often rancid, and all portions were so small that he was constantly hungry.

Another prisoner kept a mouse on a string as a pet, a detail that Steph wrote into the play. Steph was strip-searched every time he left the cell, forced not only to stand naked but also to open his mouth, run his fingers through his mouth, lift up his genitals, and bend over and cough. Guards, to belittle him, often forced him to repeat the process from the beginning so that he would be putting his fingers in his mouth after having handled his genitals. (sic)

Please, let’s not pretend these institutions have any moral basis. They are absent, of any nobility or morality. Totally beyond the pale of any decent human conduct.

Now that we have a basic understanding of where my children are today if you perceived your children to be in danger in California. What lengths would you go to protect them? The obvious answer is―I would go to the police! Would anyone with any sense trust this system of violence, corruption, and brutality I just described?

Still not convinced?

Let’s talk about how these local American courts are akin to fucking savages― and are legitimized by American Federal Authorities. Or how the American courts treat pregnant women in their third trimester. This is a description of a woman in Texas and how she is being treated by the American courts. Keep in mind this is nothing unusual.

Seven months pregnant, hands cuffed and feet bound, Sophia Casias shuffled across the floor at the Bexar county adult detention center in San Antonio, Texas, in March 2017. A guard stood in front of her, holding the chain connected to Casias’s handcuffs.

Casias couldn’t keep her balance though and crumpled onto the wet cement floor. She sobbed and felt as if she couldn’t breathe. In her third trimester, Casias, who was jailed for shoplifting – a crime she says she committed to feed herself– recounted that after she fell ‘a female guard grabbed me by the hair and was making me get up’. She was screaming: ‘Bitch, get up.’ Then she said, ‘That is what happens when you are a fucking junkie. You shouldn’t be using drugs or you wouldn’t be in here.’ (sic)

Keep in mind this is all happening in front of a judge.

In all honesty, I wouldn’t last 15 seconds in front of this medieval nonsense. I would simply stand up from the bar and walk out in disgust― resign in protest. Unsurprisingly, not only is this brutality accepted by the courts but, it’s encouraged by the judiciary.

Where is the FBI?… Really? The silence is deafening.

I can tell you this much; the way things are going in the United States. Russian and Chinese land forces will probably just walk across the border.

Because you know what?― No one’s going to defend it.

Then, they are going to take the United States judges, put them on trial, and to the gallows they will go…

I will be there in spirit, of course.

If you are in California it does not matter if you are extremely wealthy or poor. A wealthy person needs to walk on the same streets. They are exposed to the same “American Anomie” You are, in fact, exposed to the same collective acts of self-destruction that you would not be exposed to in Norway or Switzerland. In fact, the state of California prophets off these acts of self-immolation. Communal bonds are a hindrance to the California court’s profits―as a business. That’s why the state of California celebrates violent police as heroes and breaks the social bonds of families. That helps forward the California court’s business models.

A strong loving family is the enemy of the California state bureaucracies. If the family is broken it serves to inflate the budgets of the courts due to the Collective acts of self-destruction that follow.

This is a very small sample of the brutality and misery inflicted on people within the California system. A system that destroys the very social fabric of society and is very quickly becoming a threat to American National Security.

And please, let’s stop pretending these people are some kind of elite. Or that these people are of some kind of oligarchy. They are of low quality and low birth– their ethnicity is irrelevant. Using Greek analogies falsely elevates them onto Mount Olympus and that needs to come to an end.

What Was Happening To My Children?

In a nutshell, I was working overseas. Unknown to me, the mother of my children was giving both our children to a violent methamphetamine addict for child care– her sister. She had a long history of domestic violence. In the end, no one in her family or California did anything to help her downward spiral. California’s only solution for anyone who’s having these kinds of problems is to simply throw individuals in prison. Where they can be subjected to the typical treatment of ritualized violence.

When I asked the mother about where our children were. She said her sister was not caring for our children and she assured me that that was the case. I did not know it at the time, but, she was lying. Of course, I could sense that she was lying and unfortunately I could not prove otherwise.

Therefore, sensing a problem, I still was not satisfied. So, I flew back to the United States so I could come to a definitive understanding of what was happening to my children. I could tell my daughter Brooklynn was in distress but she could not communicate why. She was too young at the time.

I was in the United States for only two months. As I was there, helping to care for both Brooklynn and Devin, The mother knew that I was trying to prove my children were being abused. Unbeknownst to me, the mother was desperately trying to conceal a report of child endangerment that was already on file in California. An incident where my 1-year-old baby son was almost killed by her sister. She understood that if I found out about this incident I could possibly receive custody of my children. A fact that the mother was desperately hiding.

Police Report Of Endangerment Page One and Page Two

In this police report, for everyone to understand what is really happening, a one-year-old baby [my son] is being pushed in a stroller by the mother’s sister, she is pushing him alongside one of the busiest thoroughfares in South San Francisco. She is so drunk and or high on methamphetamine that she can barely stand. If she lets go of the stroller, my 1-year-old son is going to die―crushed by a car.

One witness said, “she made it to a park bench where she was screaming profanities at my one-year-old baby before she passed out”

Passed out on a park bench, with my son in a stroller. Alone for anyone to take away. The police were called and no action was taken and I was not informed. CPS was informed― no action was taken and I was not given any information about my children’s safety, once more.

When the police arrived they did nothing except file some paperwork. This woman should have been arrested and the father should have been informed. If I would have been informed I could have taken steps to protect my children with the justification I needed.

Can The Police Help Your Children?

The first thing that we have to understand about law enforcement in California is they protect the institution of law enforcement.

The citizen is a secondary consideration―always.

At the same time, the police will pretend the opposite is true. They are protected by the media for the most part as well as the government employees.

When I initially asked the police to protect my children. They ended the conversation and did nothing.


If a police officer is in trouble, legally. The institution of law enforcement will organize its microscopic Universe to try and save the officers that have made mistakes. With my children’s endangerment, they had done exactly that. If the police did help my children and took a police report. This would have triggered a conflict of interest within their own department. Keep in mind, It does not matter if a 1-year-old baby is in danger. The priority for the police is to protect themselves physically and legally– first. Ironically white supremacists and bigots are American law enforcement’s biggest supporters.

Of course, none of this is possible unless it is condoned by the courts. Prosecutors, judges, or anyone who is connected with the courts with a financial interest will protect law enforcement.

Many California cops say, ” We are not all bad cops ” or ” You should not judge me for the actions of the so call, bad apples “

After the Floyd riots, American law enforcement is seen for what it is. One of the most hated and corrupt institutions in the history of the United States. This is ultimately condoned by the prosecutors and the courts.

Therefore, there are no so-called ‘good cops’.


Within law enforcement, the gold standard of corruption is once a police officer files a false police report and lies. All other officers are expected to do the same―without exception. If they refuse, they will be run off the force or set up to fail.

Let me make this clear, the moment you filed a false police report is the moment you became a―bad cop. And please, let’s not even pretend, if you are working in California there are no, so-called ‘good cops’ You cannot be working in California law enforcement and not be guilty of corruption. The absurd myth of ‘ good cops’ is just that, a myth. Many police officers will proclaim ‘I didn’t have a choice’ You do have a choice, you step up from the keyboard walk out the door, and resign in disgust.

Of course, this does not end with the mythology of ‘good cops’. None of this is possible without the approval of the courts as well as the lawyers and prosecutors. The more corrupt and violent the police are the better it is for the legal industry as a business. Judges lawyers and prosecutors benefit from the wake of chaos left by a violent police force. The more California society fails the more money is allocated to the courts. In fact, the California justice system has an interest in the failure and destruction of American society―and this is a conflict of interest that cannot be resolved.

That’s why the institution of law enforcement is a threat to National Security.

The death struggle and the breakdown of trust within the state bureaucracies are just a small part of the self-annihilation and anomie that is pulling apart the American fabric. For example, a child’s suffering is accepted as long as society is affirming this as a necessary sacrifice for the illusion of Californian morality.

Just as my children were thrown back to the wolves.

Just as an average person in California can step over the cold dead body of a homeless woman that has died of dehydration or exposure. One is left out of the narrative and one is left in for the typical narcissistic journalist.

The Evidence of Abuse Is Suppressed by California

If your children were in danger. What would you do to protect them? In fact, most people would move Heaven and Earth.

The reality is the police were in a conflict of interest the moment I was not informed my children were in danger. Consequently, so was child protective services (CPS). How do we know this is true?

The State of California and the police simply lied to the media. Although, they could have never predicted that I would be telling you this story in North St Petersburg, protected from these fucking savages.

Now I can communicate California government lies without fear of reprisal:

San Jose Mercury News

Of course, the mother lied as well.


From day one, everyone connected to this case understands clearly that my children are in danger. Law enforcement clearly understood that my children were in danger and the mother is lying.

But, the question becomes, why would the police and government protect the abusive mother?

In the beginning, the police gave a statement that sets the initial narrative for my children and me. A narrative that gives no mention of abuse or the fact that their department has reports of abuse from their officers. The media simply reports to the public what they were told to say by the local government.

This act temporarily protects the local government from focused negative attention until the false narrative is lost in the news cycle. After a short period, the information concerning government corruption evaporates into ―what can be described as―a mass Bay Area Metropolis. Where nihilism protects corrupt bureaucrats along with journalists. Sometimes this subjectivity works and obscures the truth. Sometimes it doesn’t.

That’s the story you can read now.

On the other hand, what if the police did mention that abuse occurred?

Then, the following questions would follow: Why did your agencies not protect his children in the first place? Why did you not correct your initial statement? Why did you demonize a father for trying to protect his children; something your agency could have done in the first place. Why did you not protect them when you found out about the abuse?! And for god sake why did you give his children back to the mother? If CPS was given the police report, why did their department not contact the father? Was there not an internal investigation?

Why did the FBI not open an investigation against South San Francisco Police? I thought the priority was to protect children and stop government corruption.

The police and state agencies need to suppress the abuse.

From my perspective, my children were sacrificed to cover the initial mistakes of people that did not have the integrity to come forward and say―We need to protect these children

If the courts or if any one of those County agencies would have acknowledged the abuse then it would have been an acknowledgment that the County gave my children right back to the people that were endangering them in the first place.

Administrators connected to the case will say, ‘I didn’t know’ Of course, this is not true. By now, the government in totality, understood clearly my children were in danger. And did nothing to protect them. In other words, if children have to die to protect law enforcement’s interest― that is exactly what they will do.

Or, moving heaven and Earth to give the illusions of morality in an immoral California

The American Media and The Kaepernick Effect― Supporting The Illusions of Morality

It should be no surprise that when Colin Kaepernick ‘took a knee’ to protest police policies of legalized murder. California journalists quickly ‘spun’ the narrative away from law enforcement doctrines of cold-blooded killings; to not standing for the American flag.

To give you an example of the hate that California people rise to. Bigots in California burned the football jersey of Colin Kaepernick after he took a knee. In other words, these people burned Colin’s Jersey as counter-responses to his human rights concerns over police brutality and murder. At the same time pretending it was for patriotic reasons. The sparse condemnation against the Kaepernick bigots was heartbreaking.

And for some reason, Admiral Harris could not keep his mouth shut and spoke out against Colin Kaepernick. In so doing, diminishing his human rights concerns about police brutality and murder. Disgracefully, this was to the unfettered joy of a cheering white audience at Pearl Harbor. And even though US Naval force ratios of brown or black skin people approach 60%― Harris gave the speech anyway. Now, he is no longer an Admiral. Put out to pasture, freezing in South Korea as some petty diplomat.

Good riddance.

When journalists wrote a false narrative about my children. The danger and injustice to Devin and Brooklynn continued. Of course, the California system profits from personal self-destruction and so do California journalists. The system of ‘Schadenfreude’ in California parades the faces of unfortunate individuals that have fallen victim to the inverted totalitarian structures. Where the victims of the California courts are paraded in the nightly news like circus animals―to the unfettered joy of California usurpers.

Psychology in which, the California bourgeoisie can celebrate the misfortunes of others. To give them temporary reprieve from what Webster Tarpley coined as ‘administrative fascism’.

In this way, the upper-middle-class Californians can place their heads on the pillow and think, Thank God that was not me or the gleeful racist analogy to poverty. Hence, the dance of death to the victims of the collapsing circus or― Schadenfreude.

California’s Boutique Activism and The Narcissism of Minor Differences

What kind of people are within a California majority, anyway? Most Californians would identify themselves as liberal progressives. Whereas compared to liberal middle-class Norwegians or Swiss. They would think that Californians are far-right-wing extremists.

For example, if you ask a liberal middle-class Swiss if they were in favor of the death penalty. Close to 90% of Swiss would say no. In contrast, Californians are very much in favor of the death penalty. As a consequence, Americans who identify as conservative has now been shifted so far to the right that they can no longer connect with common problems.

Hence, the love for Trump.

In California, boutique activism is a way to give the illusion of morality through supporting causes that have no political or economic meaning. The perfect example of this would be a middle-class obsession with saving sheltered animals and puppies. Californians give vast amounts of money and resources to this cause.

Of course, I love puppies, everyone loves puppies. Who wouldn’t? But puppies are not going to build a better society. Puppies are not going to solve social problems or build better roads. Puppies have no political or economic rights. Most importantly puppies are not going to uplift humanity or create economic prosperity.

In other words, caring for sheltered animals is the illusion of morality. Just as identity politics is a way to focus on the narcissism of minor differences. In this way, middle-class Californians can use identity issues to deflect away from real-world economic concerns. Like a living wage. Especially for the urban and rural poor; you don’t focus on real people you focus on animals.

In Palo Alto California the puppy issue makes front-page news. However, disgracefully, without even the slightest hint of irony, If you walk 20 minutes to the east, In East Palo Alto, the children are food insecure and living in poverty.

When my children were given back to an abusive mother by the California Courts. Due to the narcissism within California, no one would accept the mistake. Most likely due to the fact, that boutique activism, as well as Californians living in a lie, is made bare for all to see. To counter this effect, the California government and bourgeoisie will quickly reorganize their little universe so that objective reality can be reorganized into a non-reality. In this way, State human rights problems are never addressed.

But, what can’t be hidden, when you simply walk out onto the streets of Los Angeles or San Francisco? You will witness a homeless problem that far exceeds the Rwandan Refugee crisis in aggregate. In fact, people within the Rwandan refugee camps have clean water, food, and shelter. Whereas, homeless Californians are living in putrid squalor.

This will not end until exhaustion or collapse.

When The Collapse Comes?

When societies collapse, it is normally sudden and without warning, and unfortunately for the population of California and the surrounding states, none will be left out of the turmoil. We have seen a small sample of this during the Floyd Riots. It just takes a triggering event. For example, most rebellions are non-violent. However, in the United States, unlike most other countries, violence is an outward manifestation.

The typical American views violence as a purifying event. Unlike Japan where one would go to The Aokigahara Forest to commit suicide. Americans tend to blame society as a whole. Adding to this, America is awash with military-grade weapons. It was almost a Christmas miracle that the Representatives in Congress were spared during the (so-called) January 6, Capital Insurrection. As one American General proclaimed, ‘ when the collapse comes it may come in 2026 or 2030 ‘

What Can be Done?

Nothing―the system is unreformable

If you work in the American courts― simply drop what you are doing and leave the building.

You are not helping anyone by staying. You are simply helping hollow out the American economy. The US courts are a system that thrives on social disintegration and anomie. The courts can not thrive without rupturing social bonds. The American court profits off the failure of society not it’s uplifting. These wretched financial interests within the courts will exploit the people until exhaustion or collapse.

With superficial sympathy, the courts will prosecute and blame the very people they have driven to ruin. Do us (all) a favor and walk out the door. Let the system collapse.

Then America can have a comeback!